pre-med counseling

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Jun 14, 2008
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I finished UCI in Dec'06 with a 2.9 gpa. I got a 24 on MCAT in sept'07. I was not sure about what career to pursue, but now have decided on medical school, most likely at Ross in the Caribbean. however i do not have any contact with professors, so i cannot get the 2 required academic or professional LOR. i was wondering if anyone knew of a good place i could go to that can give me advising or counseling in the OC, CA area, so that i could find a job or possibly take classes to get the necessary expereince and LORs to get into Ross. I tried going to the UCI counseling service, but the counseler there spent alot of time trying to convince me to not go to med school, saying that i wasn't qualified, so i quit it.

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If by professional, they mean doctors who know you, try shadowing a few doctors and then asking for recommendations. Or working/volunteering at a medical facility and then asking for a letter. You could also contact your old professors and ask for a letter. Many professors gets requests from students for letters. I asked for letters after having worked for two years, even though my professor had not seen me in the intervening years.