Premed Classes Help

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5+ Year Member
Dec 23, 2016
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okay so I feel like I may be acting quite DUMB here.
I have been looking to a slew of medical schools that DO accepts online premed classes for their requirements though I understand in class, on campus classes look much better.

I currently work full time and was going to take classes at UNE for my science requirements for premed so I could continue to work full time. I am also volunteering at the local hospital for about a year to get my hours started. Right now I am finishing up my social studies single subject teaching degree online also with National University, (half way through this I decided I wanted to go to med school).

Is this a better option or should I quit my full time job once I am done with my teaching degree, and complete my premed classes through UCLA extension.

There are so many pros and cons to each I am constantly doubting myself. :(
any advice is much appreciated as I feel like I have NO idea what I am doing and it is stressing me out.

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ok thank you so much for the feedback! I am a single mom with a chronically ill child so I have to work as much as I can or either take out loans for living expenses in order to take the premed classes on campus. I am currently a junior in my undergrad program