Premed really getting in the way of my life...

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Premed really getting in the way of my life...

okay examples:

sorry cant hook up with you cuz i have bio tomorrow at 8:30 am.
sorry not going on vacation cuz i need to do research and shadow
sorry no hanging out in the summer cuz i have to take 3 summer courses to stay on track for bio chem major
sorry my entire education is ****ing based on getting As

no dont tell me to switch paths cuz i love being around people and seeing people and i taking on the challenges that medicine involves, but how has premed screwed your life? aka what sacrafices have you made?

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All of us make all kinds of these sacrifices, welcome to the club. Using my spring break to study for the MCAT, visiting home every 4/5 months, we all do that stuff, the question is do you think it's worth it.
stifler said:
Premed really getting in the way of my life...

okay examples:

sorry cant hook up with you cuz i have bio tomorrow at 8:30 am.
sorry not going on vacation cuz i need to do research and shadow
sorry no hanging out in the summer cuz i have to take 3 summer courses to stay on track for bio chem major
sorry my entire education is ****ing based on getting As

no dont tell me to switch paths cuz i love being around people and seeing people and i taking on the challenges that medicine involves, but how has premed screwed your life? aka what sacrafices have you made?

suck it up...if you think premed has scrwed up your life then quit now. medical school is worse...if you don't want to deal with such issues then don't go into medicine.
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1) Not spending enough time with my kids because I have to study
2) Going on vacation but not being able to rest because of classes and MCAT to study for
3) Not have quality time with my wife because of school and work
4) Studying on Saturday nights
5) Being late on bills because I was so into studying I forgot about them

should I go on.

Grow up.
I understand what you are talkin' about, I went through that too - eventually it will become routine and after you get a good amount under your belt you might be able to relax and slow down a bit.

There is no reason to feel that you are giving up your life for this, you should be happy from what you will gain from all this.

It's not that you need to grow up or anything like that just change your minset :)

You will be fine, if it is truly your passion you will make it! :thumbup:

good luck!
stifler said:
Premed really getting in the way of my life...

okay examples:

sorry cant hook up with you cuz i have bio tomorrow at 8:30 am.

wow you sound like a total loser.
suck it up...if you think premed has screwed up your life then quit now. medical school is worse...if you don't want to deal with such issues then don't go into medicine.
:thumbup: Totally agree. Unless you're studying 10+ hours a day in college, you can't really complain about not having a life, in my opinion. And remember, no pain, no gain.
for me its more of a mental thing. its hard for me to really have a good time doing anything without thinking of med school apps lingering in the background. ill be really happy come next spring, life will be good once again.
Not that this has much to do with this topic, but I think I've found the meaning of life. That is, the purpose, but not how to create it. I am no Victor Frankenstein. Devote myself to prove it, I will.

Try to guess, and I'll tell you if your right.
Hmmm...well I'm reading this book called He's Not That Into You and if you're turning down a hook-up to be up early for 8 AM bio, you're just not that into her. :laugh:
woah woah, everyone sounds kind of bitter. it may be just as bad to enter med school all burnt out and pissed off. this is part of the reason i did a post bac. spent college studying what i wanted to and doing what i wanted to so i could have a well-rounded experience, and then do a post bac. post bac is a kick in the a$$, but boy do i feel zesty clean and fresh! and by that, i mean broke! really broke!
but at least i'm happy i pursued other interests when i had the chance.
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stifler said:
Premed really getting in the way of my life...

okay examples:

sorry cant hook up with you cuz i have bio tomorrow at 8:30 am.

yea seriously dude, if this has ever happened to you, and you actually did refuse, you are officially the king of loserville.
I agree with the guy that said "suck it up". Whining won't get you anywhere.
stifler said:
Premed really getting in the way of my life...

okay examples:

sorry cant hook up with you cuz i have bio tomorrow at 8:30 am.
jtank said:
yea seriously dude, if this has ever happened to you, and you actually did refuse, you are officially the king of loserville.
heehee... this made me laugh. because that's EXACTLY what i thought when i first read it. guess it doesn't help that i just watched the "he's just not into me" episode of sex and the city yesterday... come on, man. pre-med's not THAT hard. :laugh:
SanDiegoSOD said:
I agree with the guy that said "suck it up". Whining won't get you anywhere.
i hate when people say suck it up. sometimes people need to whine, as long as you dont do it too much. everyone here cries compassion and sympathy for patients but cant even give fellow premeds a break now and then. life can be tough for premeds or whoever, sometimes you have to give a supportive shoulder. sucking things up all the time will make a bitter and hardened person. okay...there is my moment of sensitivity
Pre-meds live double lives, didn't you know? Bookworm by day, party animal by night. Watch Harold and Kumar go to White Castle. Pay close attention to Kumar's nocturnal behavior. :)
stifler said:
Premed really getting in the way of my life...

okay examples:

sorry cant hook up with you cuz i have bio tomorrow at 8:30 am.
sorry not going on vacation cuz i need to do research and shadow
sorry no hanging out in the summer cuz i have to take 3 summer courses to stay on track for bio chem major
sorry my entire education is ****ing based on getting As

no dont tell me to switch paths cuz i love being around people and seeing people and i taking on the challenges that medicine involves, but how has premed screwed your life? aka what sacrafices have you made?
aw nuts.
boilerbeast said:
Hmmm...well I'm reading this book called He's Not That Into You and if you're turning down a hook-up to be up early for 8 AM bio, you're just not that into her. :laugh:

Is the OP a guy or a girl? Judging by the avatar, I'd have guessed a girl.
It's not so bad being premed. I found time to party and hook up and go on spring break.....Do what I do. If you see party coming up, disappear from the face of earth for a week prior and study like crazy, get your A, and then reappear for party time! hehe.:).

Does anyone know if med students party or go out to do fun things? Just wondering...
nicholonious said:
Pre-meds live double lives, didn't you know? Bookworm by day, party animal by night. Watch Harold and Kumar go to White Castle. Pay close attention to Kumar's nocturnal behavior. :)
goooooooooooooooood mooooooovie!!!!! ;)
i'm pretty sure the OP's a guy (or a lesbian)
Accept that getting into a top 10 med school is nowhere near the most important thing in life, and have some fun. Then your life will be 100 times better. Seriously, I'm so glad I didn't bust my ass any more than I did.

The work will never end. So find your own balance between hard work and enjoyment. BTW, you don't need straight-A's to get into medical school. A's and B's will do. And you don't need to get into a top school to be a good doctor who makes good bank, etc.

Party all the time and you'll end up nowhere. Study all the time and you'll end up regretting how you let life pass you by (unless you're neurotic and have your priorities all messed up). So balance the two. It's all about moderation. (Unless you're studying for an exam -- then cram your ass off and make up for it later).

Oh yeah -- also, don't miss the chance to take interesting courses and activities in college. I pity people who pass up the chance to get a liberal arts education. The lessons and ideas I learned outside of my pre-med classes have been the most valuable overall (not in terms of potential earnings, of course, but rather in terms of personal growth).
unless you had a huge exam the next morning, you're pretty sad if you can't skip a bio lecture :laugh:
TheProwler said:
unless you had a huge exam the next morning, you're pretty sad if you can't skip a bio lecture :laugh:
Yeah. I can understand feeling obligated to go to every lecture as a freshman, but after a while you realize that 8am bio lectures are meant to be skipped.

God intends for you to skip your 8am bio lectures. Otherwise, he wouldn't make them at 8am, would he?
You have to be a little on the slow slide to schedule yourself for an 8am lecture as well, unless you have a really good reason. :laugh:
the premed drive for perfectionism just plain sucks
YFR said:
Study all the time and you'll end up regretting how you let life pass you by (unless you're neurotic and have your priorities all messed up). So balance the two. It's all about moderation. (Unless you're studying for an exam -- then cram your ass off and make up for it later).

this is so true, the past two years I have bombarded myself into thinking studying was the only thing there a result i didnt study...nor did i have much of a social life. As a result I have reoriented my goals my gpa is on the rise, and Im having alot more fun in college...
you definately need some sort of stress-reliever from all the studying you do. i recommend playing tennis or guitar. that's what i do. either that or call a girl over for a quick "study break" hehe.
jtank said:

those pants...i keep asking myself if i need to get some

Shredder said:
those pants...i keep asking myself if i need to get some

hey, you like tennis too? thats sweet. :thumbup:
jtank said:
hey, you like tennis too? thats sweet. :thumbup:
yeah, there will definitely have to be some discussion in the coming weeks. and months even, summer is tennis heaven. too bad the rest of the year is largely meaningless. hmm why the hell am i awake, i have to wake up in 3 hours to go to lab im going to be dead...i need to pursue that dream machine
SpeedRacer said:
.... post bac is a kick in the a$$, but boy do i feel zesty clean and fresh!...

Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Either Speedracer was a child of the eighties (Zest soap) or he just really likes Outkast. Am I right?:
"Ain’t nobody dope as me I’m dressed so fresh so clean/
(so fresh and so clean clean)/
Don’t you think I’m so sessy I’m dressed so fresh so clean/
(so fresh and so clean clean)...... :laugh:
Shredder said:
i hate when people say suck it up. sometimes people need to whine, as long as you dont do it too much. everyone here cries compassion and sympathy for patients but cant even give fellow premeds a break now and then. life can be tough for premeds or whoever, sometimes you have to give a supportive shoulder. sucking things up all the time will make a bitter and hardened person. okay...there is my moment of sensitivity

I would have been a bit more supportive of the issue in general had the first "problem" not have been "sorry cant hook up I have bio at 8:30". That's your problem? Sorry, not going to give you any sympathy. If you can't stay up until 3am to get a little from time to time because of lower division biology, then you're probably not going to get very far for the next, oh, FIFTEEN YEARS!
Amorphisgirl said:
Are you thinking what I'm thinking? Either Speedracer was a child of the eighties (Zest soap) or he just really likes Outkast. Am I right?:
"Ain’t nobody dope as me I’m dressed so fresh so clean/
(so fresh and so clean clean)/
Don’t you think I’m so sessy I’m dressed so fresh so clean/
(so fresh and so clean clean)...... :laugh:
YES i am a child of the eighties! and yes i really like outkast. but NO, i'm not a guy!
I am going to get flamed for saying this, but if you can't maintain a life while being a pre-med (and still get reasonably good grades), then you probably can't manage the workload of medical school, which is considerably more intense. That is to say, if it takes you 12+ hours a day to get through classes and homework and studying with little time for a life, then all the time in the world won't get you through medical school, because there is 4x as much information thrown at you in the same amount of time.
SanDiegoSOD said:
I would have been a bit more supportive of the issue in general had the first "problem" not have been "sorry cant hook up I have bio at 8:30". That's your problem? Sorry, not going to give you any sympathy. If you can't stay up until 3am to get a little from time to time because of lower division biology, then you're probably not going to get very far for the next, oh, FIFTEEN YEARS!
yeah...this is true, this issue in particular was a little silly
TheProwler said:
You have to be a little on the slow slide to schedule yourself for an 8am lecture as well, unless you have a really good reason. :laugh:

Maybe the OP goes to a relatively small school like me where certain classes are only offered at one time. I keep trying to get away from the 8am classes...just can't quite do it - genetics was 8am, Organic Chem II is 8am, Pathobio is 8am. If it's not 8am it's 9:25 which is just as bad in my opinion. Why oh why do the science profs insist on morning lectures?? lol.
Skaterbabe74 said:
Why oh why do the science profs insist on morning lectures?? lol.

because the lazy humanities professors already took up the afternoon spots...bastards. and they should learn how to maintain class websites so i can skip lectures :mad: venting done. :)
it. said:
because the lazy humanities professors already took up the afternoon spots...bastards. and they should learn how to maintain class websites so i can skip lectures :mad: venting done. :)

Actually our humanities are mostly in the morning or evening. I think business and engineering are hogging the afternoons :laugh: . Most of our science classes do have websites, but even those don't get me out of attending the 8am lectures. 2 of the 3 8am classes I mentioned have "clicker" questions - basically pop quizzes done with an electronic pen - so if I don't show up I lose points. In one of the classes those clickers amount to the equivalent of 1.5 exams!
okay lets clarify everything.

yes im bitter.
yes i have the opportunity to hook up. i mean if you have a gf, you pretty much know the hook ups are going to be there even if you turn them down.

yea i go to a really small school. we only have one bio class and its only at 8:30. unlike most people i cant afford to skip a class. its my weakest class.

im sucking it up, but sometimes everyone needs a pillow to punch to. and sdn is the place to do it because everyone here knows what im talking about.

also, yea i agree i have a lot of free time. i just dont spend it well. i waste a lot of time. its my fault, but i have a feeling most people procrasinate too at least i do.

i am a guy. the pic of the girl and the ball i jsut thought was amusing. i guess im a loser about the way i work because im just not that pumped to buckle down and study unless i absolutely have to.

anyways, its good to know how rigorous premed is even for the very best people around the world.
Shredder said:
i hate when people say suck it up. sometimes people need to whine, as long as you dont do it too much. everyone here cries compassion and sympathy for patients but cant even give fellow premeds a break now and then. life can be tough for premeds or whoever, sometimes you have to give a supportive shoulder. sucking things up all the time will make a bitter and hardened person. okay...there is my moment of sensitivity

Good post.

I've thought about having compassionate moments in my life, but then I realize it's more fun to kick people when they're down.
I booked a trip to amsterdam during my sophomore year of over spring break, about 5 months in advance. I'd saved money from my summer job and worked during the fall semester in order to pay for it. Then, just before the trip, I learned that I had both a Human Physiology and Organic II exam the DAY after spring break. So much for a hard-earned vacation!

All premeds have to sacrifice, and I don't mind staying in on a weekend or lacking sleep b/c of studying. But everyone deserves a vacation at some point. That was just cruel of my professors!
stifler said:
Premed really getting in the way of my life...

okay examples:

sorry cant hook up with you cuz i have bio tomorrow at 8:30 am.
sorry not going on vacation cuz i need to do research and shadow
sorry no hanging out in the summer cuz i have to take 3 summer courses to stay on track for bio chem major
sorry my entire education is ****ing based on getting As

no dont tell me to switch paths cuz i love being around people and seeing people and i taking on the challenges that medicine involves, but how has premed screwed your life? aka what sacrafices have you made?

I had to trade in my new Benz for a fricken 5 series. The reason you ask, becuase the muffler was a little messed up. I mean I am god's gift to life and look at these things I have to do to be a pre-med. Did I mention how hard it is being pre-med. I actually had to wake up early, study for exams, and work during the summer. Man it really really put a bummer in my tanning that summer.

Did I mention I.. love being around people "Well-well look. I already told you: I deal with the god damn customers so the engineers don't have to. I have people skills; I am good at dealing with people. Can't you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people?"
Peterock said:
Good post.

I've thought about having compassionate moments in my life, but then I realize it's more fun to kick people when they're down.

:laugh: :smuggrin:
callendm said:
"Well-well look. I already told you: I deal with the god damn customers so the engineers don't have to. I have people skills; I am good at dealing with people. Can't you understand that? What the hell is wrong with you people?"

choice quote.
"sorry cant hook up with you cuz i have bio tomorrow at 8:30 am."

If you don't have time to hookup in premed, then you won't have time to meet the person to not-hookup-with in med school. LOL