Pharmacy PrePharm Course Undergrad

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Feb 21, 2002
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Hi I was so glad to find this website to share my worries and get some advice!

I’m currently on the prepharmacy course at my four year college but my GPA is currently a 2.7. After finishing GenChem I finally started to enjoy OChem but as a Sophomore, I wonder if I still have a chance to become a pharmacist. My goal is to get into UDUB’s pharmacy school and if there is still a chance I want to continue to try. Honestly, I haven’t been having a great start obviously but I’m finally getting used to college and am starting my job as a medical scribe now! I have the motivation and am now getting my grades up. I just need to know if I”m not following a dream that already passed with the grades I have now. Be real with me okay!
Ah, unless something is really off, you're supposed to be in OChem as a sophomore. You're still quite on track. Your GPA is low, but if you can raise it a bit, you will be ok for the noncompetitive schools. Which UW (Wisc or Washington or something else)? Both of them are considered competitive (especially Wisc), so you probably need to aim for a cumulative 3.5 to be competitive. You do need to do well in your Chemistry courses, because they are looked at separately than the sGPA for entrance matters.

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The only thing I can add (and assume you do well in Organic Chem and get an upward trend) is to always be sure to cast a wide net. Keep your current school choice as your primary goal but be sure to apply to "less-than-tier" programs as safety schools.
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