Forum Members Professionalism in this forum/Off-Topic Discussions

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Dec 31, 1999
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Rad Onc is a field facing many issues currently. It's okay to have an educated discussion about current challenges, but it must be professional at all times. There is no reason to beat other members over the head with your views. This is a forum for sharing information and supporting others, not for bashing the profession.

Here are 2 key rules that I expect all members to follow:
  1. Be courteous and contribute positively. If you disagree with someone, be courteous and stay positive in your response. Negativity is harmful to our community. Repeated negative posts will result in removal from our community. Rude posts will be removed.
  2. Treat everyone with dignity and respect. We are open to discussion of challenging topics, but we expect all members behave professionally and treat each other with dignity and respect.
It does not matter if you've been on the forum for years - being discourteous is not appropriate and will not be tolerated. Your membership will be revoked.

I ask that members use the 'Report Post to Moderator' button (found at the bottom of every post). This ensures one of the volunteer moderators is alerted to the post and can action it. Thank you!

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To piggyback on this as a permanent reminder:

I've tried to have patience with a lot of the non-sense on this forum, but there are now legitimate old time users that are being blantly disrespected and leaving the forum without any amount of instigation. In their place we have escalating arguments that pervade threads and dominate all discussion. While I didn't feel that having negative discussions in and of itself was frankly toxic, the actions of multiple members on this forum over the past week or two has convinced me to change my tune.

Here is a non-exclusive list of rules that will lead to escalating moderator action:
1. Doxxing of users will not be tolerated. Our field is small enough that posting multiple personal details about a person leads to obvious identification of that user. Previous users guilty of this have been warned.
If you Doxx a SDN user in this forum by posting 1) their name, 2) where they trained (specifically by institution), 3) where they work now (location), 4) other details that upon googling lead to obvious knowledge of who the user is (especially discussions of lawsuits, media coverage of the SDN user, etc., this is not an exhaustive list), you will get ONE warning (at discretion of moderators), followed by a permanent Ban for the next offense. This warning will be at the discretion of moderators, and people who are overtly crossing the line will be banned directly.

There are a total of 2 users who were warned recently. In a previous incident a user was warned as well.

2. All interactions between SDN members are to remain professional. You are allowed to disagree with somebody. If you disagree with something that somebody said, you can say "I think what x said is incorrect, or an overexaggeration". You can't say "omg x is such an idiot what is wrong with you *****". You are not allowed to personally attack other SDN users. Calls for banning users will be met with escalating warnings and eventual ban. If you find yourself becoming agitated at another user in the forum and feel they have crossed the line, REPORT their post to the mods and we will handle it. People continuing to argue and bicker back and forth with escalating personal attacks will be getting warnings and eventual bans.

3. Keep threads on-topic. There are enough threads about the job market or rad bio/physics discussion. If you start posting the same crap in a thread that is not built to discuss it, posts will be deleted, warnings will be handed out, and we may end up banning disrespectful users.

If you feel insulted by a comment, report the post to a moderator. We will evaluate the situation. This is what @Neuronix and I signed up for, but we can't be here 24/7. If you see something against ToS, REPORT it. Don't argue back and break ToS yourself because you retaliated. This will be like the NFL - if two players both throw punches, they are both gone.

This last bit is more of a request: please try to keep conspiracy theory discussion to a minimum. Unfounded discussion about the drivers of the issues at play here do not help our field. Rampant speculation about the motives of those who are not here to defend themselves is not valuable.
This is not, in anyway, to silence people that are critical of the field or the direction it's going in. To reiterate - the discussions about job market, radbio/physics boards, and the effects it may have on medical students are still allowed. You are allowed to have a negative view of the field and post on this forum - you just have to do it respectfully.

I'm open to suggestions, either in public or through PM, for ways that this forum could be improved, feel free to contact me directly.

There are multiple users that have received a warning in the past few weeks on this forum for personal attacks, doxxing, whatever. That group of people, please consider yourself on notice in the months going forward. If you continue to verbally attack other users or not be respectful to your colleagues (these are the same people you'll see at meetings!) in a field as small as this, then you will lose your privilege of posting on SDN.

tl; dr - Stop being mean to each other, use the report function more often, don't Doxx fellow sdn members.
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Going forward, threads that devolve a far distance away from their original topic will either have posts deleted, or if there are a significant number of them, will be cordioned off into their own thread. If it's tangentially related (like if the topic is about Reflexion and you want to ask about another unique treatment machine then OK), but if the discussion is about women and diversity in the RO workforce and there's 2-3 pages about APM and the supervision requirements. That has gone into its own thread for further discussion.

If you would like to start a tangent with somebody, please create your own thread for discussion (you can still quote that person, just copy and paste) rather than continue with the level of off-topic discussions we're dealing with. There is nothing wrong with having 15-20 active threads on the forum at any given time, allowing for ease of reading, rather than continuing completely off-topic discussions and de-railing a thread sparking good discussion.

I just deleted 20 posts and moved another 50+ out of one thread for topics that had literally zero to do with the original thread. I would prefer not having to continue doing that. Warnings will be handed more liberally for prolonged off-topic discussions.
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I’d like to bring this warning back to moderators’ attention. Can you clarify if unprofessional posts about colleagues on Twitter (with direct links to the person) are not allowed? I also think that negative job market posts are making their way into every non-case thread (such as in the designated optimism thread).
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I’d like to bring this warning back to moderators’ attention. Can you clarify if unprofessional posts about colleagues on Twitter (with direct links to the person) are not allowed? I also think that negative job market posts are making their way into every non-case thread (such as in the designated optimism thread).

Criticism of what people publicly post on twitter is allowed. Please define 'unprofessional' for us. Please report posts that you believe to be crossing the line.

In regards to the designated optimism thread (which I'm defining as the 'another attempt at optimism thread') I think it's fine.
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