Prometric testing rooms standardized?

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Jan 30, 2016
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Do all prometric locations have the same monitor size, resolution, setup (chairs) etc?

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No. Not only they don't have some strict standards like quiet rooms, good chairs, enough space so that someone will not bump into you when they are walking out while you are sitting and taking exam. But they also don't have same monitors and from my experience I got a monitor with different resolution and text was stretched on screen. I complained about it in survey after test, but no one contacted me whatsoever. So do go and check your location to be sure - otherwise it may be a lottery. Some locations are very crappy - like it could be a cramped room and behind the wall there might be some kids birthday place going on full blown with music etc - we actually heard bass thumping during our test and people just suffered through. Just checked that center and it's still open and no one gives a damn about it. smh.
Hey thanks for the reply. The two I’ve been to were nearly identical despite being several states apart. That’s good to know.
No. Not only they don't have some strict standards like quiet rooms, good chairs, enough space so that someone will not bump into you when they are walking out while you are sitting and taking exam. But they also don't have same monitors and from my experience I got a monitor with different resolution and text was stretched on screen. I complained about it in survey after test, but no one contacted me whatsoever. So do go and check your location to be sure - otherwise it may be a lottery. Some locations are very crappy - like it could be a cramped room and behind the wall there might be some kids birthday place going on full blown with music etc - we actually heard bass thumping during our test and people just suffered through. Just checked that center and it's still open and no one gives a damn about it. smh.
This. One center (STEP) was in a beautiful building that seemed to have been built specifically as a Prometric site with separate rooms for the wand-down/screening so it was really quiet in the break room/testing rooms. The other (COMLEX) reflected how I felt about the exam, dingy and in a sketchy neighborhood upstairs of a community college deal. Was kinda ironic