Public health policy interests: MD only? Or MD/MPH necessary?

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The Great West Coast
7+ Year Member
Jan 27, 2017
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Is an MD/MPH dual program 5 years? If so, does that mean 5 years of med school tuition/housing/meals costs? Concerned about debt load. Would the dual program consist of 2 years med, 1-2 years MPH, and then 2 years of med school?

How could a student pursue public health policy with only a MD?

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There are schools that offer MD/MPH in 4 years but most are 5 years with the MPH between M2 and M3 or between M3 and M4.

It is possible to purse public health policy with only an MD but the MPH does give you a skill set that you may not otherwise acquire. It is important enough for public policy work that the MPH or equivalent is expected of family planning fellows if they do not already hold that credential.
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