Question about Match Day

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5+ Year Member
Oct 18, 2016
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It looks like pretty much every medical school has a big celebration for match day. My question is, what if you don't match? Do they pull you aside and say "hey, I wouldn't go to the party if I were you."

I'm just curious. Thanks!

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It looks like pretty much every medical school has a big celebration for match day. My question is, what if you don't match? Do they pull you aside and say "hey, I wouldn't go to the party if I were you."

I'm just curious. Thanks!

A few days before match day, you get an email that states whether or not you matched at all (but nothing about the specific program). Presumably those who don't match don't go to the day, though I'd imagine some with an incredibly thick skin probably go celebrate for their friends.
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Those that didn't match are notified a few days in advance and there is a process called SOAP that helps match residency programs with openings to students without residencies.

If that doesn't work out, then I would imagine most unmatched students would not go to the match party unless they were there to support friends.
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The monday prior to match day you will get an email that states whether you matched or not. Your classmates who didn't match will have that week to try to scramble for a spot. Match results are revealed on Friday. You will either get an envelope in person or you can opt to wait for the email to tell you where you will be going.

Whether or not you decide to go to match day is up to you. It seems to be more or less mandatory at some places.
Thanks for the responses everyone!