Question on Primary Care IM track

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Feb 17, 2022
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Hi. I’m a non-US final year medical student planning to match next season. I’d like to know more about primary care IM. Do they take part in ERAS and NRMP? Do you apply to them separately from categorical programs or do you just apply for that place as you would normally do and specify that you’re interested in their primary care track?

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Programs with separate Primary Care tracks do participate in ERAS and NRMP. You rank them just like categorical tracks, and you can mix-and-match them any way you want. For programs that have both tracks, you can apply to either one or both of them. Many programs will interview you just once, even if you have applied to both tracks, although a few might have separate interviews.
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Programs with separate Primary Care tracks do participate in ERAS and NRMP. You rank them just like categorical tracks, and you can mix-and-match them any way you want. For programs that have both tracks, you can apply to either one or both of them. Many programs will interview you just once, even if you have applied to both tracks, although a few might have separate interviews.
Thanks! That was really helpful!