Questions about DMU

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7+ Year Member
Oct 14, 2014
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I had a couple questions that I was hoping current/former DMU students could answer for me.

1. How often do you have anatomy lab first year? (multiple times a week, once a week, irregularly spaced) Same question for OMM lab. [I am trying to figure out how much flexible my afternoon/evening time will have]

2. When you get notes for a new subject/unit, are you getting pdfs or stacks of papers? [I.e. Am I going to need tons of 3 ring binders]

3. How often will we be wearing semi professional or professional clothing during the first two years?

4. Is the library open really late? [I was spoiled with an UG where libraries were open 24/7 during finals and close to that regularly. ]

5. There doesn't seem to be an ikea near Des Moines, is there another furniture store thats reasonably priced and located nearby? Or do you guys just get it delivered?

6. I already know about things like MC anatomy practicals and 1-2 tests a week, Is there any thing else I should know?

I know it probably seems weird to some of you that I'm thinking about this stuff but I'm kinda neurotic and it would make me feel better to have a clearer picture of the fall.

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1) Don't know about anatomy because ours was different, but OMM has a lecture first year monday at 1-2 then hour and a half labs rotating times between monday (2-330 or 330-5) and tuesday (1-230, 230-4, 4-530). second year same thing but wed and thurs instead.

2) we only got stupid big packets for biochem, everything else you can print off. if you like the binder study method, you may use a lot, but i bought a ton of binders and now have a ton of unused binders.

3) only during SPAL, so like 3 or 4 first year, and a bit more second year, but all are spread out enough that you could legit have 1-2 outfits and be fine.

4) I think it was open 7a-12a.

5) Homemakers furniture is the big place in Des Moines that is reasonably priced, but it isn't an ikea by any means. it is pre-made items so it isn't as cheap.

6) DMU is great about not requiring lectures, but there are more than a few required ones. OMM is always required, ethics as well, and they usually have a couple lectures per few months that they require.
Labs first year are OMM for 1.5 hours 1x per week , Anatomy 2 hours 1x per week and clin med 1 hour 1x per week.

I didn't realize there was a pattern on what days we had them.
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1) Don't know about anatomy because ours was different, but OMM has a lecture first year monday at 1-2 then hour and a half labs rotating times between monday (2-330 or 330-5) and tuesday (1-230, 230-4, 4-530). second year same thing but wed and thurs instead.

2) we only got stupid big packets for biochem, everything else you can print off. if you like the binder study method, you may use a lot, but i bought a ton of binders and now have a ton of unused binders.

3) only during SPAL, so like 3 or 4 first year, and a bit more second year, but all are spread out enough that you could legit have 1-2 outfits and be fine.

4) I think it was open 7a-12a.

5) Homemakers furniture is the big place in Des Moines that is reasonably priced, but it isn't an ikea by any means. it is pre-made items so it isn't as cheap.

6) DMU is great about not requiring lectures, but there are more than a few required ones. OMM is always required, ethics as well, and they usually have a couple lectures per few months that they require.

1 last question, do they have a parking garage on campus?
I've heard recently that the 2nd year curriculum doesn't prepare students well for boards, where there are too many guest lecturer clinicians who don't focus the material towards boards. Can any 2nd years and above comment on this?
If you agree, what have you done to best prepare for boards?
I've heard recently that the 2nd year curriculum doesn't prepare students well for boards, where there are too many guest lecturer clinicians who don't focus the material towards boards. Can any 2nd years and above comment on this?
If you agree, what have you done to best prepare for boards?

Just prepare like anyone else using first aid, pathoma, uworld, comquest and you'll be fine. I did great on boards and was a below average student In classroom. Dmu gives you a lot of board prep time. I had from about May 18-July 25 to study and take the test. Did not have a summer break as third year started couple days later.

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Just prepare like anyone else using first aid, pathoma, uworld, comquest and you'll be fine. I did great on boards and was a below average student In classroom. Dmu gives you a lot of board prep time. I had from about May 18-July 25 to study and take the test. Did not have a summer break as third year started couple days later.

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Yeah, I agree. It did not prepare you well for boards (with the exception of lecture material from the two DMU pathologists who are full time faculty). You should start studying early in the 2nd year or by winter break so that by the end of the year, you'll know what you need to know. You should do this so you don't run into the problem that this person had, so that you can actually have a summer vacation (you deserve it) before 3rd year. Just my two cents. Use the resources this person mentioned