Questions about my degree for medical school

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Dec 23, 2021
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I have a question I’m finishing some my pre requirements for medical school at community college my major cyber security then do my bachelors online at Drexel university because that’s the way they offer it at this school.

Then I would come back to same university or different but in person face to face to do a post bachelors degree for the remainder of the science course I need to finish for pre requirements

Is this a good way to do it ?

Will I have to finish the remainder of post bachelors?

Has anyone done this before ?

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Why do you want to major in cybersecurity? It is a very "vocational" major meant for people who wish to pursue careers in that field. While it is true that you can choose any major, choosing a major that is closely aligned with a specific career makes it seem as if you are not serious about a career in medicine.

Furthermore, some schools do not accept pre-reqs from community colleges. Buy access to the "MSAR" (Medical School Admission Requirements) produced by AAMC and see which schools will not take an applicant who has pre-reqs from community college.

Finally, getting letters of recommendation from instructors who taught you in science classes may be more difficult if you took courses in community college and/or online.
Why do you want to major in cybersecurity? It is a very "vocational" major meant for people who wish to pursue careers in that field. While it is true that you can choose any major, choosing a major that is closely aligned with a specific career makes it seem as if you are not serious about a career in medicine.

Furthermore, some schools do not accept pre-reqs from community colleges. Buy access to the "MSAR" (Medical School Admission Requirements) produced by AAMC and see which schools will not take an applicant who has pre-reqs from community college.

Finally, getting letters of recommendation from instructors who taught you in science classes may be more difficult if you took courses in community college and/or online.

I chose that because I could pick any major I want and I chosen it because

I’m very passionate about it to get into medical school and I can fulfill my science class mix community college and post bachelors

I would be coming back where the post bachelor‘s degree in person. Get the remainder science class done face-to-face and get a letter of recommendations and get some Letter of recommendation from teachers in my community college for the classes I took remote because of Covid
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Good luck. Let us know how that works out for you.
I can tie cyber security into medicine, especially since there an increase in telemedicine due to COVID and a need for a better virtual medicine infrastructure and patient privacy. There’s definitely way that you can weave your story, but yes, any major is fine. i need to justify my rationale for becoming a dr.
Can you clarify? Do you have a bachelor’s currently, or are you working on one right now? Are you taking only online classes?

When people talk about a post bac they’re not talking about a specific “post bachelor’s degree.” They’re just talking about taking extra undergrad classes. If you don’t have a bachelor’s yet, you might as well take all your pre-med prereqs as part of your bachelor’s and not bother with a post bac.

And yes, you’ll definitely need to explain how and why you want to tie cybersecurity into medicine.