Re-applicant International Student, Please help!

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Jan 30, 2023
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thanks for the help-

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There are limited schools that accept international students and you have to have a top tier application (both stats and extracurricular wise) to get in. You have low clinical hours and low community service that is more hands-on with those less fortunate. Shadowing or observing the physician is separate from interacting with patients, whether as a CNA, MA or hospice volunteer (to list some examples).

Look into the DO schools that take international students.
Your MCAT alone was not competitive for most of the schools on your list and some other schools on your list are state public schools that admit few non residents with no connection to the state. Your best chances would be at DO schools that accept applications from internationals. UNECOM and WCU-COM do and there are several others and you will need to contact each school to see if they accept applications from internationals. You also need 150 hours of clinical volunteering with patient contact.