WAMC and school list please: INTERNATIONAL

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New Member
Aug 14, 2023
Reaction score
cGPA - 3.83/sGPA - 3.7
MCAT in the midst of studying but averaging 507 on FLs and plenty of time to study, testing Jan 2024 (only started studying a month and a half ago)
State of residence is OK, attending a public university in OK and have resided here for 10 years but my country of citizenship is India, and am on F-1 Visa
Can only do volunteer experience due to visa limitations but by next May I will have around:
800 hours at Hospice volunteer but do all the work of a PCT
150 at a free clinic (triage, nutrition education)
nephrology Research: 560 hours with one publication nothing fancy
International pre-med org: 150 hours (leadership and finding resources)
Cultural org on campus: 400-500 hours will know exact by the end of the year (helping people acclimate to the US as I was in that position years ago and also connecting to my culture)
Kidney disease awareness program: 160 ish hours
Shadowing (internal medicine, pulmonology and rotated around with ER dept, nephrology, cardiology): 400 hours split over two summers in MS
Volunteering at a food pantry
involved in immigration activism to advocate for my type of visa
no honors or awards

I plan on applying for majority DO and especially william carey as I shadowed in Mississippi and know international students that go there but I would love to attend schools in Texas for support reasons but there are not a lot of schools there that accept international students.

What else do I need to focus on for the next year to prepare? I really do not know what else to do due to the limitations of my visa. With these stats, where do you think I need to apply and which MD programs can I shoot for as well if any? I am also worried this app seems very geared towards med school or not authentic enough.

School list so far:
Western University - Pomona
Burnett School of Medicine??

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