Re-read all notes first or start FL right away?

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10+ Year Member
Jul 20, 2012
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Hello everyone,

im following Sn2ed's schedule for about 2 months now, and finished the content review (finally!) should i spend 2-3 days reread all my previous notes and then start on the FL OR start the FL right now and see how it goes, and save those days to review later?
the problem is i feel i dont remember much of the materials from before. any suggestions??

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Hello everyone,

im following Sn2ed's schedule for about 2 months now, and finished the content review (finally!) should i spend 2-3 days reread all my previous notes and then start on the FL OR start the FL right now and see how it goes, and save those days to review later?
the problem is i feel i dont remember much of the materials from before. any suggestions??

I'm in the same Situation as well! I'm going to spend 3-4 days just reviewing all of my notes and then start the full lengths!
Do you have the self assessments? It might be a good idea to do those to see where you stand in terms of content knowledge
Hello everyone,

im following Sn2ed's schedule for about 2 months now, and finished the content review (finally!) should i spend 2-3 days reread all my previous notes and then start on the FL OR start the FL right now and see how it goes, and save those days to review later?
the problem is i feel i dont remember much of the materials from before. any suggestions??

I agree with the above post: start with the self-assessment. If you don't have them, I'd say you're fine taking a FL and letting the results guide your next move (low scores warranting extra review and high scores warranting you to move on).
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Hello everyone,

im following Sn2ed's schedule for about 2 months now, and finished the content review (finally!) should i spend 2-3 days reread all my previous notes and then start on the FL OR start the FL right now and see how it goes, and save those days to review later?
the problem is i feel i dont remember much of the materials from before. any suggestions??

Notes first, otherwise you jeopardize the value of FL's.

Consider reading this (about keeping notes brief and reviewing them often):
id say do the short review of 3-4 days if you have the time since the FL's are really worth their weight in gold and you want maximum benefit from them to identify weak spots.