Reading Section

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5+ Year Member
Apr 26, 2018
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What strategies are used on this section?

I have seen a fair bit of low scores in reading, and I feel like this should be a gimmie section. I figured that if we compiled strategies people may find techniques that work better for them.

My strat for this section was to always highlight a good section of each paragraph in the beginning. Normally the middle 2-3, or last 2-3 sentences. Then I would read the questions and see if I could find the answer. I found that having the highlights helped me skim because I could quickly find the answers to the easy questions. Then I would read as necessary.

The downside is this method did not help with inference or tone questions. I still had to read most of the article for those.

Any other strats out there that were really effective? Anyone do something outside the norm?

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I read all the questions first and went back to the passage and answered questions as it came along in the passage, and answered those overall tone questions in the end. It worked really well for me.
But in the end, I feel like reading is one of those sections where it's not really about studying, but experimenting with different strategies. I would suggest getting a question bank , I personally liked Datbooster, and try different strategies for every passage until you find something that works!
I scored a 28 on RC. Seemingly, there's two common ways to tackle this section. Some people read the passage first before looking at the questions. My approach involved reading the question first before skimming through the passage for the answer. My thought process is that this method is efficient/effective; each time you skim through the passage for the answer, you effectively "read" the passage each time. Look for "key" words to become more accurate and quick. You should spend roughly one minute (some more or less) on each question.