Ready to Consider Reapplying MD/PhD, how to do it right?

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5+ Year Member
Apr 26, 2018
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I'm at the point where I'm mentally preparing to apply next cycle. I applied to 22 schools all MD/PhD with the following stats:

GPA/BCPM-GPA: 3.62/3.70
MCAT: 515
uGrad: Bioengineering and Nutritional Science double major from top ~15 university
Masters: Biomedical Engineering
Research: 5 years, I worked in 3 traditional labs with 1 paper submitted (low impact) and 1 paper in review (Nature), I am co-authors in both. I also worked in medical device development with 3 separate clinicians for different diagnostics leading to one startup as well as some fundraising. Total hours ~4500
Clinical: 200 hours of clinical experience either overseas or shadowing
LoRs: 6 letters: 1 from uGrad, 1 from masters, 1 from internship (one of the medical devices), 1 from current PI, 1 from an MD research supervisor, and 1 from the doc who I started the startup with (another medical device)

I also supported myself through college working 30-35 hours/week in various jobs outside academia. Spoke about this as an opportunity to get away from college elitism and get to know more representative people.

The problem was that I applied to mostly MSTP, and I submitted horribly late (most secondaries done in late Oct/early Nov). Getting some rejected within hour/days kind of indicated that there are likely few to no interview spots left.

Having to check the reapplicant box means I probably need to meet higher standards for all my secondaries. I plan to retake the MCAT and am confident I can get ~518+ (my last practices were in the low 520s). My GPA is pretty much unmovable with over 200 credits in undergrad. I am still doing research but until next summer the only thing I can see happening is getting a publication status for my papers described above.

Am I at a disadvantage for being a re-applicant? I feel like my major flaw was applying so late but if I don't have that much improvement in the next 6 months will I be turned down for people who haven't reapplied?

What else can I do to improve my application success? I'm worried I will not have "significant improvements" and applying earlier is a bad explanation. Having all my secondaries written and essays completed now, I'm sure I can edit and apply earlier with stronger essays.

I hope to apply to the same schools + maybe 5 more safeties and a few MD only. Advice would be appreciated!

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I have definitely run into a similar problem with applying late. I completed most secondaries by mid-October and was rejected within a couple days at some programs; however, judging by the threads on sdn other applicants have received interview invites even after I was rejected, so they still have some spots for stellar students who haven't applied. Additionally, I wouldn't lose hope just yet because it took me roughly a month before I heard back from schools even after applying pretty much at the end of their cycle. I would look to hear back from most programs around Dec 15, judging by how late you applied that would be a reasonable timeline for other schools to evaluate your app.

Unfortunately, my app is the exact opposite of yours (high stats with very little/mediocre research), so I can't really offer much in the way of advice. Overall, I think you nailed the apply early issue on the head and perhaps some others on here can comment about the MCAT retake idea. My opinion is that a 515 is right around average for MD/PhD applicants, so it might be better to improve other aspects but you seem to have research covered. Lastly, you might want to rack up some baseline amount of non-clinical volunteering just to satisfy the MD-only admissions committee who might be interested in that aspect.
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