Reapplicant, URM, Multiple MCATS chances

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Oct 31, 2016
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Hello everyone! I have taken the MCAT 6 times (25, 23, 498, 498, 502, 511 in that order). I'm a URM (Latino) and applying for the 2nd time. My 511 score is very recent and wasn't in my last app. I have a 3.70 GPA from Johns Hopkins and have over 4000 hours of research, including in one of the top HIV labs in the country + great shadowing and community service experiences. I was wondering how badly my multiple MCAT retakes are going to affect my application and what schools I should be applying to. Also, what schools shouldn't I be applying to do to these MCAT retakes? I know Emory and V-Tech don't even send you a secondary if you took it over 3 times. Are other schools like this? Thanks!

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Latino isn't automatically URM. Which country?
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Puerto Rico
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Puerto Rico
Ok, you're good on that front. What's the reason for the discrepancy between the first 5 scores and the 6th? Is there a way you can turn it into essay fodder?

Which state of residence?
Ok, you're good on that front. What's the reason for the discrepancy between the first 5 scores and the 6th? Is there a way you can turn it into essay fodder?

Which state of residence?
I'm actually from Puerto Rico (lived my whole life there) and then spent 4 years of college at JHU.

And I already submitted my personal statement and the main subject of that is exactly that (my MCAT discrepancy). It was a maturity, responsibility, character essay which were the things I was really missing for the previous 5. it was more of a matter of sitting down and putting in the work.
And I already submitted my personal statement and the main subject of that is exactly that (my MCAT discrepancy). It was a maturity, responsibility, character essay which were the things I was really missing for the previous 5. it was more of a matter of sitting down and putting in the work.

Maybe I'm wrong about this, and I haven't read your personal statement at all, but I don't see how that would answer the question "Why medicine?"

Either way, if it were me, I'd look for schools that explicitly say they look at only your most recent MCAT instead of averaging. I can't remember which do that off the top of my head, but I know there are some
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Maybe I'm wrong about this, and I haven't read your personal statement at all, but I don't see how that would answer the question "Why medicine?"

Either way, if it were me, I'd look for schools that explicitly say they look at only your most recent MCAT instead of averaging. I can't remember which do that off the top of my head, but I know there are some
Well, the real purpose of the essay was to explain that the personal characteristics that helped me succeed on the MCAT the 6th time around are the same ones I love about the medical profession. And that my path to finally doing well on the mcat helped me understand even more how much i love medicine... etc....
Apply to all the Puerto Rico schools and consider all these also:
New York Medical College
Oakland Beaumont
Rosalind Franklin
St. Louis
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@Goro halp. I don't know how to even begin a school list for a PR native outside of "apply to all the PR schools"
Apply to all the Puerto Rico schools and consider all these also:
New York Medical College
Oakland Beaumont
Rosalind Franklin
St. Louis
To this list, add the FL schools, and the SUNYs. And OP, do some research to see which other med schools consider Puertoriquenos to be URM.
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To this list, add the FL schools, and the SUNYs. And OP, do some research to see which other med schools consider Puertoriquenos to be URM.
You dropped this: ~

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How much do you think those 6 MCAT's will hurt? @gyngyn @Goro @Faha
OP has a good chance at the 3 PR schools schools that accept mainlanders (with strong language skills).
I'll bet that some East coast schools will also bite.
OP has a good chance at the 3 PR schools schools that accept mainlanders (with strong language skills).
I'll bet that some East coast schools will also bite.
Thanks for the response! So, I already got into the 2 PR schools that I applied to in this cycle (the top 2 ones). This was before I scored that 511 this year. However, I want to go to school in the mainland since things aren't going too well here in PR. Do you think I should just stick to my acceptance here in PR, or do I have a good chance of getting into any of these schools that were mentioned?
Thanks for the response! So, I already got into the 2 PR schools that I applied to in this cycle (the top 2 ones). This was before I scored that 511 this year. However, I want to go to school in the mainland since things aren't going too well here in PR. Do you think I should just stick to my acceptance here in PR, or do I have a good chance of getting into any of these schools that were mentioned?
Let me get this straight, you took the MCAT 6 times and finally got into 2 PR schools(I'm guessing Ponce and UP) and now want to drop those acceptances to roll the dice to get into schools over in the USA with your already shaky application? ?? *I don't know what they been putting in your adobo but I think that's crazy and risky*
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Let me get this straight, you took the MCAT 6 times and finally got into 2 PR schools and now want to drop those acceptances to roll the dice to get into schools over in the USA with your already shaky application? ?? *I don't know what they been putting in your adobo but I think that's crazy and risky*
I agree
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Let me get this straight, you took the MCAT 6 times and finally got into 2 PR schools and now want to drop those acceptances to roll the dice to get into schools over in the USA with your already shaky application? ?? *I don't know what they been putting in your adobo but I think that's crazy and risky*
I took the MCAT 5 times before even applying once until i got it to a 502 and decided to apply. Now I got a 511 and am wondering if i should reapply to get into school in the continental USA, since things in PR aren't going too well. I don't think that's too crazy right?
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I took the MCAT 5 times before even applying once until i got it to a 502 and decided to apply. Now I got a 511 and am wondering if i should reapply to get into school in the continental USA, since things in PR aren't going to well. I don't think that's too crazy right?
Yes it's very crazy! Especially if one of those schools is the UP(super low tuition ). Put yourself in the shoes of a admin at one of the USA schools you're applying to. You already have a shaky application with taking the MCAT 6 times and on top of that you turned down 2 MD acceptances .. This is the definition of crazy. Do yourself a favor and stick with the PR schools. And I don't want you to think I'm not being understanding of what's going on in PR. I'm writing you right now from PR so I am aware of the problems and have family who live and attend PR medical schools. Ponce and UP so trust me when I say keep the acceptance and run with it. We need more PR doctors who come to the states to practice. I fear if you go with this plan we will be short of one.
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Yes it's very crazy! Especially if one of those schools is the UP(super low tuition ). Put yourself in the shoes of a admin at one of the USA schools you're applying to. You already have a shaky application with taking the MCAT 6 times and on top of that you turned down 2 MD acceptances .. This is the definition of crazy. Do yourself a favor and stick with the PR schools. And I don't want you to think I'm not being understanding of what's going on in PR. I'm writing you right now from PR so I am aware of the problems and have family who live and attend PR medical schools. Ponce and UP so trust me when I say keep the acceptance and run with it. We need more PR doctors who come to the states to practice. I fear if you go with this plan we will be short of one.
I don't know... Matching statistics for UP for the last 4 years are horrible (this is why you can't find them anywhere) I fear that my chances of getting into a USA residency are lower if I stay here and apply from UP than if I roll the dice and reapply and get into residency in the USA, from the USA.

I do appreciate the advice from the perspective of someone who lives in PR! I just need unbiased thoughts of what my real chances are of being accepted if I do decide to reapply.

Also, a general question: will schools know that I got accepted into two schools this year and decided to reapply?
I don't know... Matching statistics for UP for the last 4 years are horrible (this is why you can't find them anywhere) I fear that my chances of getting into a USA residency are lower if I stay here and apply from UP than if I roll the dice and reapply and get into residency in the USA, from the USA.

I do appreciate the advice from the perspective of someone who lives in PR! I just need unbiased thoughts of what my real chances are of being accepted if I do decide to reapply.

Also, a general question: will schools know that I got accepted into two schools this year and decided to reapply?
Okay so I will give you unbiased advice.
1. Yes schools will know you already got accepted and turned it down. This normally kills most people application who do this. With a small amount of people who get through but I doubt those who are a exception to the rule took the MCAT 6 times which will be a huge negative against you ad well.
2. You are worried about UP match rate which is reasonable but the flip side of that is a match rate of 0 because what you're planning on doing is making your chances of every becoming a medical student and going through the match lower and lower

3. I really really hope you don't do this OP. Kill the STEPs if you have the research pedigree like u mentioned in your post then keep at it in medical school, do away rotations aND network and you will match comfortably. What you are planning on doing is way too much of a risk for something so important and the numbers aren't in your favor.

4. @Goro @gyngyn @LizzyM are adcom so if you don't trust my opinion on the matter maybe they can chime in
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Okay so I will give you unbiased advice.
1. Yes schools will know you already got accepted and turned it down. This normally kills most people application who do this. With a small amount of people who get through but I doubt those who are a exception to the rule took the MCAT 6 times which will be a huge negative against you ad well.
2. You are worried about UP match rate which is reasonable but the flip side of that is a match rate of 0 because what you're planning on doing is making your chances of every becoming a medical student and going through the match lower and lower

3. I really really hope you don't do this OP. Kill the STEPs if you have the research pedigree like u mentioned in your post then keep at it in medical school, do away rotations aND network and you will match comfortably. What you are planning on doing is way too much of a risk for something so important and the numbers aren't in your favor.

4. @Goro @gyngyn @LizzyM are adcom so if you don't trust my opinion on the matter maybe they can chime in
Thanks for the advice @Chelsea FC! It's certainly a very tough decision. I guess I hoped my situation would be different, since I had no idea that the entire University of Puerto Rico system would go on strike against the government (including RCM for a couple of days) and that the situation in the island would be this bad at the time of my application. Medical school in itself is extremely difficult and I'm just worried that the challenge would be magnified in this type of environment and it's not the medical school experience that I want. + there's the fact that I could never find the matching statistics when I applied and I just went with the word of mouth from peers that said that it was decent (it turns out that it isn't at all).

If I had known all of these things at the time of my application, I would've never applied to these schools. @LizzyM , do you think schools might hear me out and understand my situation and not consider my previous acceptances the nail in the coffin? Or will my application just get ignored because of it?
Do it once, do it right. You certainly didn't heed that advice with regard to taking the MCAT. There is something concerning about someone who needs 5 tries to break 500. Now you applied once and got two offers, but now that is not good enough and you want to "do it twice"? No es bueno, mi amigo. Take one of the two offers and run with it if you really want to be a physician. If you want to keep chasing prestige, reapply but be prepared to not be admitted anywhere and to be standing here a year from now saying, "what do I do now?"
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Do it once, do it right. You certainly didn't heed that advice with regard to taking the MCAT. There is something concerning about someone who needs 5 tries to break 500. Now you applied once and got two offers, but now that is not good enough and you want to "do it twice"? No es bueno, mi amigo. Take one of the two offers and run with it if you really want to be a physician. If you want to keep chasing prestige, reapply but be prepared to not be admitted anywhere and to be standing here a year from now saying, "what do I do now?"
Thank you! I now understand that schools will definitely "think" that I am trying to chase prestige, like you said @LizzyM . I just wish that they could realize the reality of my situation, which is that I want to go to medical school that I can be the best version of myself (without worrying about outside factors). It is very hard to judge the situation in PR without actually being a part of it and now I understand that a lot of schools won't even take that into account. Thanks again!
Apply to all the Puerto Rico schools and consider all these also:
New York Medical College
Oakland Beaumont
Rosalind Franklin
St. Louis
Doesn't Jefferson average out MCAT scores?
@Chelsea FC @LizzyM @Goro

Just wanted to update you all on my decision! I decided to re-apply and have gotten 4 interviews and 1 acceptance in the continental USA so far. Still waiting to hear back from the other 3 schools.

I want to encourage anyone in my situation, regardless of # of MCAT attempts or deciding not to attend a school because of an actual reason, to DO whatever you think will make you happy!

Every single interview I had, my interviewers viewed my multiple retakes as a positive thing and told me that I was resilient and goal-oriented. None of them viewed it as something negative.

I am very happy that I didn't take your advice and hope that others stop taking advice from people on SDN and actually do their research and follow their dreams.
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@Chelsea FC @LizzyM @Goro
I am very happy that I didn't take your advice and hope that others stop taking advice from people on SDN and actually do their research and follow their dreams.

You took an unnecessary risk and got lucky. The advice you received in this thread was still correct.

What "research" led you to the conclusion that someone who took the MCAT 6 times and declined acceptances has a strong chance of getting in?
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You took an unnecessary risk and got lucky. The advice you received in this thread was still correct.

What "research" led you to the conclusion that someone who took the MCAT 6 times and declined acceptances has a strong chance of getting in?
I do not believe I received the correct advice.

I called every medical school that I was interested in and I specifically asked if they weighed taking the mcat multiple times differently. I then proceeded to apply to the schools that answered that it was fine as long as I had an upward trend and they would only look at my final and best score.

These schools again told me during my interview that I was resilient for not giving up on my dream.

You make it seem like I only “declined an acceptance” and took the mcat 6 times. There is more background to this. I declined an acceptance for a good reason: the UPR system had gone on strike and at the time of my decision, they were in danger of losing accreditation. My brother and sister were victims of this strike and I didn’t want to go through the same thing. At the time of my application, this was not the case.

I had an upward trend every time I took the MCAT and didn’t figure out the test until my last attempt, in which I jumped 30 percentile points.

I called every school and asked about the declined acceptance and they said that they didn’t care as long as I had a good reason. And I did. I received the wrong advice on this thread and I am thankful to have made my own decision and done my own research.
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@Chelsea FC @LizzyM @Goro

Just wanted to update you all on my decision! I decided to re-apply and have gotten 4 interviews and 1 acceptance in the continental USA so far. Still waiting to hear back from the other 3 schools.

I want to encourage anyone in my situation, regardless of # of MCAT attempts or deciding not to attend a school because of an actual reason, to DO whatever you think will make you happy!

Every single interview I had, my interviewers viewed my multiple retakes as a positive thing and told me that I was resilient and goal-oriented. None of them viewed it as something negative.

I am very happy that I didn't take your advice and hope that others stop taking advice from people on SDN and actually do their research and follow their dreams.
I commend you on your success, but frankly, you got lucky, I believe being Puertorriqueno made the difference. Good luck.
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I commend you on your success, but frankly, you got lucky, I believe being Puertorriqueno made the difference. Good luck.
Thank you I appreciate it
I commend you on your success, but frankly, you got lucky, I believe being Puertorriqueno made the difference. Good luck.
Wow, I can’t believe you would actually say that without knowing everything I have put into trying to become a doctor. Regardless of my ethnicity, I have put in just as much or more work as any other successful applicant.

I do not think luck plays any part in such a competitive and time-demanding process such as getting into medical school. I exposed myself to the right experiences and I am glad that I did.

I did not get in just because I am Puerto Rican. I got in because I decided not to give up on my dreams.
Thank you I appreciate it

Wow, I can’t believe you would actually say that without knowing everything I have put into trying to become a doctor. Regardless of my ethnicity, I have put in just as much or more work as any other successful applicant.

I do not think luck plays any part in such a competitive and time-demanding process such as getting into medical school. I exposed myself to the right experiences and I am glad that I did.

I did not get in just because I am Puerto Rican. I got in because I decided not to give up on my dreams.
Do you honestly believe that an asian applicant from CA or frankly any state would even get a look from any school with 6 MCAT attempts? I believe that the people who didn’t take 6 attempts to get a decent score worked way harder than you ever did. Take your delusion and go elsewhere, people have given you reasonable advice.
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Thank you I appreciate it

Wow, I can’t believe you would actually say that without knowing everything I have put into trying to become a doctor. Regardless of my ethnicity, I have put in just as much or more work as any other successful applicant.

I do not think luck plays any part in such a competitive and time-demanding process such as getting into medical school. I exposed myself to the right experiences and I am glad that I did.

I did not get in just because I am Puerto Rican. I got in because I decided not to give up on my dreams.
Take the win and move on. This is not a battle worth fighting, it’s just someone disagreeing with you over the Internet.

Congrats future doc from a Mexicano. I hope you do great things.
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First, when I was given the advice to not re-apply, you all knew that I was a URM from Puerto Rico... you still told me not to apply. suddenly when I get in, it’s because I’m a Puerto Rican?

Second, just because I took the MCAT 6 times does not mean that I did not work as hard as people who only took it once. A lot of people struggle with standardized testing and it took me a while to finally have it click. As a URM, I don’t have the resources or the money to spend on a dozen classes and books to help me. I had to do it in my own. And I finally did.

Being a Puerto Rican is not a reason that medical schools accepted me. If anything they noticed the pride I have for my culture and how I can translate that into their medical school community.
First, when I was given the advice to not re-apply, you all knew that I was a URM from Puerto Rico... you still told me not to apply. suddenly when I get in, it’s because I’m a Puerto Rican?

Second, just because I took the MCAT 6 times does not mean that I did not work as hard as people who only took it once. A lot of people struggle with standardized testing and it took me a while to finally have it click. As a URM, I don’t have the resources or the money to spend on a dozen classes and books to help me. I had to do it in my own. And I finally did.

Being a Puerto Rican is not a reason that medical schools accepted me. If anything they noticed the pride I have for my culture and how I can translate that into their medical school community.
congrats getting in OP, I hope you use this opportunity to give back to minority communities that desperately in need of representation. Have your victory lap and get it out of your system after the pettiness is done get to work in becoming the best physician you can be.
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