Reapplying after Withdrawn Acceptance

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Full Member
Mar 26, 2024
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I’m a non-trad student who was accepted last cycle (application finalized in March/interviewed and accepted in April) but had to withdraw my acceptance in July due to unforeseen family circumstances - husband changed jobs unexpectedly and we had to go on my employer’s insurance to be able to afford his prescription med for his UC.

Thoughts on changing my personal statement? I have 15 years of professional experience in a related healthcare field and not much will have changed in the previous 5 months.

There’s an optional “additional info we should know” essay in secondary I could discuss my withdrawn acceptance also.


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Very sorry to hear about this.

You don't have to change your personal statement, but you should tweak it because you've had 365 days plus since you last applied. Surely some things have changed about you since then.

Will you be applying to the same school? If so then simply tell the truth in the optional essay.

You are not asked if you have been accepted in a primary app. It's rare that a school will ask you in a secondary. It is also rare that an interview will ask you if you have been accepted previously or in the current cycle. If this happens, simply tell the truth. No one will fault you.
Very sorry to hear about this.

You don't have to change your personal statement, but you should tweak it because you've had 365 days plus since you last applied. Surely some things have changed about you since then.

Will you be applying to the same school? If so then simply tell the truth in the optional essay.

You are not asked if you have been accepted in a primary app. It's rare that a school will ask you in a secondary. It is also rare that an interview will ask you if you have been accepted previously or in the current cycle. If this happens, simply tell the truth. No one will fault you.
I actually applied in March 2024, was accepted in April 2024, and had to withdraw in July 2024. Still working FT in same field and have two new community service commitments, but other than that, not much has changed.
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did you attempt to defer?
I did. Unfortunately, my deferment request was not granted. The school doesn’t have an official deferment policy, so my understanding is that it is reserved for currently enrolled students only.
I did. Unfortunately, my deferment request was not granted. The school doesn’t have an official deferment policy, so my understanding is that it is reserved for currently enrolled students only.
Got it. That really helps your case.