Redo Chads or get right to Destroyer? Gen chem

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Feb 11, 2017
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Finished the gen chem portion of Chad's videos about a month ago. After a small break due to final exams/life I am back and on pace to finish Chad's ochem vids either tomorrow or early Saturday. Upon completion do you guys think I would be okay jumping right into the destroyer? I know it could only help to review the gen chem ones that I might've slightly forgotten, however due to time constraints/the desire to keep moving forward I find myself wanting to start destroyer as soon as possible.

Will starting the destroyer immediately with a slight bit of gen chem info blurry make it too challenging? Or will I still be able to use it as a learning tool having built the foundation already? Sorry if any of this is confusing, the question makes much more sense in my head lol. I guess I'm asking if it is entirely worth it to spend the ~15 hours rewatching the gen chem videos or to use that time getting right to the destroyer and determining my weaknesses/deciding where I need to review from there.

Thanks in advance for the help, anybody's opinion is appreciated!

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How well did you do on Chad's quizzes the first time through? If you found it easy you might be fine moving along to Destroyer, but if not you may want to go through your notes (hopefully you took some) and the quizzes again to make sure your foundation is strong.
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How well did you do on Chad's quizzes the first time through? If you found it easy you might be fine moving along to Destroyer, but if not you may want to go through your notes (hopefully you took some) and the quizzes again to make sure your foundation is strong.
I was doing well on the quizzes but then again I was taking them right after watching/the day after to recap. I have definitely taken notes and will make it a point to go through them before starting the destroyer to at least refresh slightly. But with that being said do you think I can save the time and skip rewatching?
I was doing well on the quizzes but then again I was taking them right after watching/the day after to recap. I have definitely taken notes and will at least make it a point to go through them before starting the destroyer to at least refresh slightly. But with that being said do you think I can save the time and skip rewatching?

If your notes are thorough and everything makes sense when you review them then I don't think rewatching all of them is necessary.
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I would agree with Feralis. If you were doing well and understanding the material moving on would probably be fine. If you find there is a topic that you are struggling with on destroyer going back to that section would be a better use of time in my humble opinion.

Remember too though that the destroyer is meant to, well, destroy and it may take time to do well.
What I am doing is watching Chad's videos then Mike videos on the same topic, they both make the materials very clear and understandable.
So, if you gonna repeat and you have a bootcamp membership, you can check Mike's videos.
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