Regents Scholarships for UCs

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Oct 8, 2006
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Hi there guys,

I was wondering when we hear back news about Regents scholarships at the UCs? I found out that I am "on the list", but it was a bit vague...!

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Hi there guys,

I was wondering when we hear back news about Regents scholarships at the UCs? I found out that I am "on the list", but it was a bit vague...!
for med school? :eek: I thought they were only for undergrad?
for med school? :eek: I thought they were only for undergrad?

I haven't heard of them before, I guess it is a singular "Regent" (not 'Regents')?

When I spoke to the financial aid officer at one school I'm thinking of going to they let me know that in addition to my current aid that I was among a list of applicants being considered for the Regent(s). I am praying to get one, that would be amazing.
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I haven't heard of them before, I guess it is a singular "Regent" (not 'Regents')?

When I spoke to the financial aid officer at one school I'm thinking of going to they let me know that in addition to my current aid that I was among a list of applicants being considered for the Regent(s). I am praying to get one, that would be amazing.

Actually, I think it is plural (Regents), as in the Regents of the University of California. I'm not sure when decisions are released for those scholarships, and I don't know if it is different for different UCs. Which UC told you that you were on the list being considered? I'll be at UCSF next year, so I'm hoping to be considered for that Regents scholarship...

One thing I have heard though: The Regents isn't much money. It's generally on the order of a few thousand dollars.
Actually, I think it is plural (Regents), as in the Regents of the University of California. I'm not sure when decisions are released for those scholarships, and I don't know if it is different for different UCs. Which UC told you that you were on the list being considered? I'll be at UCSF next year, so I'm hoping to be considered for that Regents scholarship...

One thing I have heard though: The Regents isn't much money. It's generally on the order of a few thousand dollars.
Last I saw it was 30K over 4 years (7.5k/yr), maybe a little bit higher by now. Basically one year tuition free.
Last I saw it was 30K over 4 years (7.5k/yr), maybe a little bit higher by now. Basically one year tuition free.

That sounds about right. Regent Scholarship for UC Undergrad is equivalent to a full ride, and it makes sense that they would not change that amount for grad/med school since they are so stingy.

Regent Scholarship Undergrad = full ride
Regent Scholarship Med School = 25% off (not bad if you ask me)