Research Opportunity @ University of Texas


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10+ Year Member
Apr 14, 2010
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I was recently offered a position at UT to work in a lab for 4 weeks over the summer. Unfortunetaly, my family has already made plans to go abroad for the whole summer, but they are considering letting me stay home to take advantage of this opportunity. Should I push to stay home, or should I travel outside the country with my family? I should add that this is my last summer before I go to college. I've never done research before, and while I am sure I will be swimming in opportunities next year, I'd really like to find out if research is an interest I would like to pursue in the future. If I stay home for a month, I could spend the other two months with my family, so either way I will be able to spend some time on vacation. Any thoughts on my predicament?? Should I go abroad or should I stay and do research?

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If I were you I would stay home. It's like having the best of both worlds; you get to stay home and see whether or not you like research, not to mention that it is good experience to have, and you also get to go with your family. It's a good summer plan.
Any thoughts on my predicament?? Should I go abroad or should I stay and do research?

That's not a predicament. Sounds to me like you want to stay and give it a shot, so there's your answer.

If it were me, I definitely would do it. You can have and eat your cake on this one, or so it sounds -- stay home, do some research (which you seem excited about doing), and enjoy the rest of your summer. Win-win.
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Is there any way you could stay, take the lab position, and then go join your family on vacation afterward?

If your family is going somewhere you would really like to experience, then go, but the research sounds like a great opportunity! And a good thing to have for the college apps right around the corner.
I would go with the family and enjoy the summer (you will be working your butt off during summers soon enough). The IRB at the hospital I'm doing research for barely takes me seriously as a senior Biochem undergrad student. Unless you're trying to get into an insanely prestigous undergrad school I would think that it wouldn't be worth the time. Keep in mind the only research I did in high school was partying and chicks (worth it lol).