Research vs. Internship this Summer

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7+ Year Member
Mar 26, 2015
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I have an offer from a major financial institution to do healthcare finance but I also have a research opportunity offer from a pretty prestigious program/university. On one hand, I think I will learn a lot in the healthcare finance internship, but I'm also afraid of appearing "unfocused" or undedicated by medical schools, especially since I entered the pre-med track a little late compared to most people (halfway through college).

My reservations in doing research all summer are that not having had a real internship during undergrad, I won't have any sort of safety net if medical school doesn't work out for some reason (which I absolutely don't see happening but I've read some horror stories of solid candidates not getting accepted anywhere). Either way, I'll continue to volunteer once a week at a local hospital.


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Go finance.

Still health related and it's a sector that frankly many pre health have no experience in.
Can't hurt you, can only help you. If anything it'll help you stand out because it's not just another cookie cutter resume adcoms are looking at.
+1 on finance. It's a unique opportunity and you'll probably learn a lot of skills/knowledge that your typical applicant wouldn't have/know. Plus, you could always try to get research done in your undergrad during the school year if you really want to try it out.