MD & DO Residency LoR from IMG MD?

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Nov 22, 2014
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Hi, I was wondering if a letter from an MD you’ve worked with who received their training abroad but is currently a professor in the US “counts” toward your 3 core MD letters for residency? Like a professor who is from Europe or Latin America and completed med school there but was later recruited to the US.

Additionally, what about letters from MDs who don’t currently practice but are well-known researchers in your specialty of choice?

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Hi, I was wondering if a letter from an MD you’ve worked with who received their training abroad but is currently a professor in the US “counts” toward your 3 core MD letters for residency? Like a professor who is from Europe or Latin America and completed med school there but was later recruited to the US.

Additionally, what about letters from MDs who don’t currently practice but are well-known researchers in your specialty of choice?
If the person works here, I'm guessing they also completed residency here as well. How is their MD any less than a USMD? It’s not like you're getting your letter from a PhD.
Hi, I was wondering if a letter from an MD you’ve worked with who received their training abroad but is currently a professor in the US “counts” toward your 3 core MD letters for residency? Like a professor who is from Europe or Latin America and completed med school there but was later recruited to the US.

Additionally, what about letters from MDs who don’t currently practice but are well-known researchers in your specialty of choice?
If the person works here, I'm guessing they also completed residency here as well. How is their MD any less than a USMD? It’s not like you're getting your letter from a PhD.
Unclear from OP’s post, but it makes it seem like they’re a “professor” here so I read that as “non clinical staff” like a lecturer or something?

OP please clarify
Presuming that you mean that they are actively in practice, yes you can have them write your letter.

For second question, can have them write a letter just be clear that they are evaluating you from a research perspective and can't comment on your clinical ability.
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