Retail vs Hospital jobs

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Feb 23, 2023
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Hello, I have recently moved and become licensed in a new state. I worked for a small, community hospital in a rural area for 6 years full time and per diem. I am trying to decide which type of jobs to apply for, retail or hospital. I prefer hospital, of course, because I have never worked retail, but the hospitals in my area are pretty far away and most jobs are full time. I also feel I lack some experience because my previous hospital did not have pediatrics or OB. There are many retail pharmacies near me begging for full and part time help. I have no student loans and would prefer part time or per diem. Would you take a retail job and try it out or travel the distance (about 30-40 mins) to a per diem hospital job? I'm really looking for honest opinions about working for CVS/Kroger/Walgreens part time with no experience. Thank you

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Definitely the hospital gig. While I’ve never worked hospital myself I’ve worked retail enough to tell you to avoid it like the plague. Since the great plague, retail has in fact become very much like the black plague.
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Hospital. Your experience is valuable, don't have imposter syndrome.
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Hello, I have recently moved and become licensed in a new state. I worked for a small, community hospital in a rural area for 6 years full time and per diem. I am trying to decide which type of jobs to apply for, retail or hospital. I prefer hospital, of course, because I have never worked retail, but the hospitals in my area are pretty far away and most jobs are full time. I also feel I lack some experience because my previous hospital did not have pediatrics or OB. There are many retail pharmacies near me begging for full and part time help. I have no student loans and would prefer part time or per diem. Would you take a retail job and try it out or travel the distance (about 30-40 mins) to a per diem hospital job? I'm really looking for honest opinions about working for CVS/Kroger/Walgreens part time with no experience. Thank you
Nope. I would not do retail. I would go the hospital route since you have hospital experience. back up options- long term care or home infusion.
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