Retake mcat or just apply again

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Receiving End of Sirens
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Jun 9, 2004
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Hey guys, I know there are probably a lot of threads like these, but I would like some specific advice. So here's my situation, I applied last year. Sent in the AMCAS late (around early oct. and was complete with most schools by November). I managed to get one interview and was wait listed at that school, however, I was never taken off the waitlist. I am now reapplying this cycle, and i already submiited AMCAS, waiting for secondaries to come on in. My MCAT isnt that great, I got a 27Q (8 PS, 8 VR, 11 BS). My science gpa is a 3.49, all other gpa 3.48. Plenty of ECs, EMT, shawdoing, couple of research positions. My question is, should I bother and retake the MCATS sept 7th, and wait for my score to come out in Oct, or would I be better off not? I know that my big weakness last cycle was not being complete early, so what should I do now?

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Just apply (you're talking about entering c/o 2008, right?). Your stats are lower, but not terribly so, and at this point in the season, you're going to be hurt more by waiting. Apply to a large number of schools (30+) and hope that the numbers and better timing will outweigh everything else.

If you're talking about c/o 2009, then take the MCAT over if you think that you will do markedly better. I'm talking above 30. Do you think you can make the effort and commit to getting a noticable change? If so, then go for it because you've got time before 2009. If not, just run with what you have now.
thanks for the quick reply. Yea, I would be entering this year (entering co 2008). Honestly, I think I'm a pretty good applicant if it wasn't for that MCAT score. It's just so hard to re-study for all this. I think I'm just gonna apply to 30 or so schools and see what happens.

edit- if i really do study very hard, I think I can get a 30 or so on the MCAT, but i guess its better to be submitted early rather than get that 3 point increase right?
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thanks for the quick reply. Yea, I would be entering this year (entering co 2008). Honestly, I think I'm a pretty good applicant if it wasn't for that MCAT score. It's just so hard to re-study for all this. I think I'm just gonna apply to 30 or so schools and see what happens.

Have you considered applying to D.O. schools?
thanks for the quick reply. Yea, I would be entering this year (entering co 2008). Honestly, I think I'm a pretty good applicant if it wasn't for that MCAT score. It's just so hard to re-study for all this. I think I'm just gonna apply to 30 or so schools and see what happens.

edit- if i really do study very hard, I think I can get a 30 or so on the MCAT, but i guess its better to be submitted early rather than get that 3 point increase right?
That's pretty much what I was saying. I believe that the detriment to your chances by waiting is not offset by the (possible) gains by getting a better score.
I have similar scores, and I was in a similar situation. I applied last year and I was put on two waitlists. I was accepted to two DO schools, but I think that I am going to try to apply to MD schools again this year.

I sent in my AMCAS already, but I am still going to take the Sept 8 MCAT. I think that if you have a weakness, you should work to improve it. That is what medical schools want to see you do. Goodluck!
I have similar scores, and I was in a similar situation. I applied last year and I was put on two waitlists. I was accepted to two DO schools, but I think that I am going to try to apply to MD schools again this year. !

Doesn't that look really bad for you to turn down an acceptance???

Isn't the immediate interview question going to be "Why should we accept you, you may just turn us down too?"
A few suggestions... if you have the ability to do the following, I'd do so-

1- MCAT's alright... it's not astounding, but not bad. I don't really see a need to bump that one up any more.

2- The GPA is a little more of the problem. Taking 2 or 3 science classes to bump that above 3.5 will be a major "psychological" boost to your resume'. 3.50 is WAY better looking than 3.49, though they're essentially the same.

3- Apply early. Early as in, now. They'll look at your completed application a few weeks after they get it, and will look at it again whenever you send an update letter telling them you've increased your GPA or MCAT score.

4- Don't apply to schools you won't attend. I don't understand the logic of applying to a "nightmare school," going through the whole process, sending deposits and God knows what else, and then turning them down because the whole reason to apply was to boost your ego if you didn't get in this time around.


I'm going to share a bit of information that'll come as a shock to many on this site.

:scared::eek: ...THERE IS NOTHING WRONG WITH SITTING OUT A YEAR... :eek::scared:

I did it. Twice. And I don't regret it.


Only apply to a school if you're serious about going there. If you don't get in, then you're among the 90%+ of applicants to that school, that year, that
didn't get in either. ITS OK.

Consider it a blessing because medical school is very rough, and the pinhole of light at the end of the tunnel is very far away.
2- The GPA is a little more of the problem. Taking 2 or 3 science classes to bump that above 3.5 will be a major "psychological" boost to your resume'. 3.50 is WAY better looking than 3.49, though they're essentially the same.

Yeah, it sucks with that 3.49, but I just graduated from College, Cornell to be exact, and i really dont have the luxury of taking any more classes such that I can boost up my science gpa...

3- Apply early. Early as in, now. They'll look at your completed application a few weeks after they get it, and will look at it again whenever you send an update letter telling them you've increased your GPA or MCAT score.

yep, i sent in my primary, It should be verified any day now, I already have a bunch of secondary essays ready to go, So i am deff. applying now

4- Don't apply to schools you won't attend.

to be honest, I would be happy if any school accepted me, being a reapp, I realized just how much i wanna be a doc, as long as a school will take me, I will take that acceptance and run. I mean its more how you do at the school, and what you make of it, and I plan to make the most of it if i do get in.

Thanks for the advice! It is really helpful :)
Yeah, it sucks with that 3.49, but I just graduated from College, Cornell to be exact, and i really dont have the luxury of taking any more classes such that I can boost up my science gpa...

yep, i sent in my primary, It should be verified any day now, I already have a bunch of secondary essays ready to go, So i am deff. applying now

to be honest, I would be happy if any school accepted me, being a reapp, I realized just how much i wanna be a doc, as long as a school will take me, I will take that acceptance and run. I mean its more how you do at the school, and what you make of it, and I plan to make the most of it if i do get in.

Thanks for the advice! It is really helpful :)

Ah... things change a little bit when you're from Ivy League... Then it really just depends on what school you apply to.

Example... say you really like Florida, and you find a college in Florida that's a state-school, but allows majority out-of-staters. Then, having Cornell on the transcript would likely boost your chances of getting in, over someone who had a 3.49 at UCF or somewhere smaller.

Problem is... most guys from your area, with your background, want a top medical school... and top medical schools are really stingy about all this.

So, when applying, keep things in perspective. I might not be graduating from somewhere with legendary status, but that doesn't mean I can't become one of the leading _____'s nationwide.

Just pick somewhere you love, because when you're finally down in the trenches, you want to be in an environment that you can draw energy from. Nothing worse than being in some strange, far off place, and feeling isolated.
Doesn't that look really bad for you to turn down an acceptance???

Isn't the immediate interview question going to be "Why should we accept you, you may just turn us down too?"

Well, I was unfamiliar with applications to medical schools the first time around, and I thought that I would apply to two D.O. schools as "back-ups." I didn't realize the different philosophy, curriculum, and professional organizations evident in D.O. schools. For example, I didn't know that they took different national "boards" examinations. I didn't know what their pass rates were. I didn't know that D.O.'s are not accepted in certain countries. I didn't know what residencies are like... etc. I only learned about all of the similarities and differences of what being a D.O. really entails during the application process. I'm like tons of other pre-meds i'm sure...

Looking back, I did waste a lot of time, money, and effort to apply to those schools. However, I feel that I learned some lessons about the effects of differing education methods, organizations, philosophies. I don't think that I've ever offended any of the D.O. schools through any of my interactions so I don't see why this should be looked down upon. If anything, it has just fueled my passion to become an M.D. There are a lot of great physicians out there who are D.O. I have met a few of them. I am not saying anything bad about these physicians. I hope that I am not being offensive in any way. There are great D.O.s, physicians assistants, oral surgeons, dentists, M.D.s from foreign countries, etc. There are so many options to participate in health care, but I think last year, I really learned what I want to strive for in my life. I hope this isn't a bad thing. If it is, maybe I need to go repent or something... hope I don't sound like a complete fool... Goodluck to everyone, though. Thanks for the good comments.. especially senseiturtle...