Retaking Courses During Application Cycle

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7+ Year Member
Mar 3, 2014
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I have already submitted primaries and secondaries to all my schools for this cycle but am thinking about retaking some classes. Should I let schools know that I am going to take a few classes or wait until I get the grades and send them? I won't be done with the courses until March 2016.

I also know the grade replacement has been a struggle for people on AACOMAS Academic Update and that they aren't replacing the grade if the courses were taken at another institution. If anyone has any experience with this, I'd love to hear if it worked out for you.


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I have already submitted primaries and secondaries to all my schools for this cycle but am thinking about retaking some classes. With the three classes I plan on retaking, my cGPA would go from 3.25ish to a 3.49 and my sGPA would go from a 3.0 to a 3.25 if I get all As. That would obviously make a big difference. Should I let schools know that I am going to take a few classes or wait until I get the grades and send them? I won't be done with the courses until March 2016.

I also know the grade replacement has been a struggle for people on AACOMAS Academic Update and that they aren't replacing the grade if the courses were taken at another institution. If anyone has any experience with this, I'd love to hear if it worked out for you.


It wouldn't hurt to take extra courses, in case you don't get in this cycle and need to be a re-applicant next cycle. MCAT score?
Well, it won't make a difference for this cycle, since you won't finish retaking them until June (I'm assuming you haven't retaken them yet). It'd help with the next cycle though. I hope you get in this cycle!