Retaking courses from different colleges

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7+ Year Member
Dec 21, 2016
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My university does not allow you to retake a course if you have passed. I got a C+ in gen chem and a C in gen bio my freshman year and I want to retake them. If I do it at a local community college, will amcas average the two grades since it is the same course?

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My university does not allow you to retake a course if you have passed. I got a C+ in gen chem and a C in gen bio my freshman year and I want to retake them. If I do it at a local community college, will amcas average the two grades since it is the same course?

Hey man,

I retook a few classes at CCs and other 4 year unis and yes, AMCAS and AACOMAS will average both takes together. So if you get an A in gen bio and both classes were 4 credits, you essentially will be given 8 credits of B for that.

Only retake classes if you feel devoid of the material though. Without DO grade replacement it really makes more sense to take upper division courses and ace them the first time through to prove that you're capable.
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DO NOT retake those. Since you've already taken those courses, adcoms would expect you to get A's the second time around; doing anything less could actually hurt you in their eyes. If you're concerned about mastery of the material, simply audit the courses.

Search these fora and you'll see this is a recurring bit of advice from admissions heavy hitters. Don't retake any course in which you receive a C or better.
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Take advanced courses instead: pchem, molecular bio, genetics, cell bio, immuno etc
So I actually got a C in freshman bio too, and while right now your GPA probably took a bad hit, if you start getting mostly As in your classes the Cs won't really hurt your chances especially if they're in the beginning, I did take an upper level bio course in the summer to bump my GOA and show adcoms that I could handle bio classes and that helps you explain that you were just figuring out how to study

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