Retaking Ochem1 for the third freaking time?

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Aug 28, 2016
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I think if you took orgo for a third time they might average ALL 3 of the grades; that would be a huge OUCH :(. Retake your other Cs and take other science classes to boost your grades. I did an awful job in orgo 2 and if I don't get accepted this cycle I'll probably retake that or look into masters/post bacc. Your OGPA isn't bad so you won't be thrown out the window for that. If you didn't take a ridiculous amount of science classes retaking your Cs will do wonders for you. Good luck on your DAT also!
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I think if you took orgo for a third time they might average ALL 3 of the grades; that would be a huge OUCH :(.
Can you elaborate why it would be a huge "OUCH" if he retook ochem 1? If he doesn't retake ochem 1, then it'd just be 2C's which is (2.0 + 2.0)/2 = 2.0, but if he were to retake it and gets an A, wouldn't it be (2.0 + 2.0 + 4.0)/3 = 2.67?
Am I missing something here?
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Can you elaborate why it would be a huge "OUCH" if he retook ochem 1? If he doesn't retake ochem 1, then it'd just be 2C's which is (2.0 + 2.0)/2 = 2.0, but if he were to retake it and gets an A, wouldn't it be (2.0 + 2.0 + 4.0)/3 = 2.67?
Am I missing something here?
A 2.67 still isn't that good. Well it's still a big boost over a 2.0. You're not missing anything dude lol. I just think every point matters and it would be better to get the extra .33 elsewhere first xD
You should have kept the C the first time and move on. Take other science courses to boost your grade. And I hope you're not taking all those sciences courses in one semester either.

A&P are both 4 credit classes. Don't get stubborn.
In general, most people would agree that if there is no improvement after a second attempt at a course, a third attempt or beyond is very unlikely going to make any difference.

If you get at least a C (not including C-), I think the general rule is to just leave it and move on. You passed the course, and it is not worth your time repeating it. You can show improvement by doing better in a subsequent course (i.e., Ochem 2). Had you asked about this after your first attempt, I'm sure the consensus would have been to not even bother with the second attempt.

When AADSAS calculates your GPA, all attempts at a repeated course are factored in, regardless of how your institution handles such situations. They recalculate everybody's GPA rather than just take that provided by your institution so that the playing field is more even for all applicants.
If you retake it you BETTER get at least a B+, otherwise its just going to harm you even more ( I mean this in the least condecending and harsh way). If you're GPA can take the hit of having 2 C's in a row then I would just leave it
I know a guy who got accepted with 2.5 overall GPA after doing his Master's with 25 DAT. Good DAT scores overcome bad DAT, always remember that. I was told that by a dental school adviser