Review mirror: breaking our 9-day record

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hackling night is the best part of last comic standing.

Members don't see this ad. a new page again
Members don't see this ad :)
I move more often than most in med school, so it's kind of comical...where are you now?????
I move more often than most in med school, so it's kind of comical...where are you now?????

south miami, been here for years...well except during med school
I got accused of refusing something earlier I didn't know I had been refusing. Guess I need to start paying attention to things around me.
do they just trash the comics...that would be hilarious

The comics trash each other. Have one on stage, and one they are paired up with in the audience that can say what they want to the one on stage. One was "do you use that line at Hogwarts?"
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I got accused of refusing something earlier I didn't know I had been refusing. Guess I need to start paying attention to things around me.

The comics trash each other. Have one on stage, and one they are paired up with in the audience that can say what they want to the one on stage. One was "do you use that line at Hogwarts?"


i have to check this show out
New Goal: 1000 posts by Labor Day
this may be a little TMI, but i owe u one supposed to get ready in a few, but i dont think i have time to trim the airplane
oh well...odds of actually scoring tonite...slim
worked for me that way...and now I'm in a relationship and it's working out well...with the exception of having to do long distance for a little bit
worked for me that way...and now I'm in a relationship and it's working out well...with the exception of having to do long distance for a little bit

long distance must be tough...i couldnt do it...i would cheat
wow...can't believe it's still alive...
:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh: so you are now encouraging the refusing...typical guy :meanie:

seriously though...sometimes, well actually the first few months...i WOULDNT refuse
long distance must be tough...i couldnt do it...i would cheat

not that hard to them 3-4 times a don't stop thinking about them. Plus, who has time for all that drama right now?
almost time for a new page...aren't your buddies dragging you out? thought they were on their way...
where are u living now and where is the BF
almost time for a new page...aren't your buddies dragging you out? thought they were on their way...

they gotta be here soon...i gotta really go
deal...and I sent you a PM to answer your question. Trying to keep the identifiers out.
i here ya...must keep the identity secret!
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