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2+ Year Member
Aug 27, 2019
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Does anyone know if it’s true that Roseman is switching to a three year program?

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If they do, I bet it's because they could be more profitable by raising tuition and charging over 100k per year like UoP does. They rationalize it by saying "our school is expensive because instead of paying for 4 years of dental school, you only pay for 3!"
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If they do, I bet it's because they could be more profitable by raising tuition and charging over 100k per year like UoP does. They rationalize it by saying "our school is expensive because instead of paying for 4 years of dental school, you only pay for 3!"
Isn't that pretty much why dental schools do anything?

Gotta pay those admin salaries
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Would be nice to have a 3 year somewhere that doesn’t cost as much as it does to live in SF…
They just confirmed it. Not this cycle but next they will have a 3 year program. UoP, breaks their 3 year program into 4, 9 month sessions (36 months no breaks) and I believe that's how they get the student loans to cover the same costs as a 4 year program (that has breaks).
As for how Roseman will handle it, it has yet to be seen.
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