Ross merp nov 2011

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Mar 1, 2010
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Hello I need some advice and insight for the MERP class starting in NOV 2011, can anyone give me a heads up on the whole course, as well as advice on housing and the situation with the food and if I can get care packages? Any info would be greatly appreciated.

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I also have been MERP'd for November 2011. I just found out today.
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Also MERPed myself. Does anyone know when we get off for Christmas? Over on value MD there was mention of a facebook group for Nov '11 but no luck finding it
I emailed them to get information and they vaguely will tell you things...they pretty much say to wait for the information package we receive in September....which is their way of saying, you gotta buy your plane ticket. We need to send them a copy of our plane ticket/itinerary by that kinda sucks.