ROTC and non HSPS Clarification

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Mar 31, 2017
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I recently received a 3 year AROTC scholarship, and I have a few questions to ask.

Is it correct that after ROTC I will own the Army 8 years of service?
If I choose to attend a medical school (non HSPS) and pay for it on my own, then complete internship and residency with the Army, would that count as 3 or 4 year AD towards the 8 year? If not, then after graduating med school, I will own the Army 8 years?

I like serving the Army, but I've been thinking that this is only my current thoughts, and that can change as I get older with family, etc...Hence I want to make sure about the obligations that I will be having.

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I recently received a 3 year AROTC scholarship, and I have a few questions to ask.

Is it correct that after ROTC I will own the Army 8 years of service?
If I choose to attend a medical school (non HSPS) and pay for it on my own, then complete internship and residency with the Army, would that count as 3 or 4 year AD towards the 8 year? If not, then after graduating med school, I will own the Army 8 years?

I like serving the Army, but I've been thinking that this is only my current thoughts, and that can change as I get older with family, etc...Hence I want to make sure about the obligations that I will be having.
Your AROTC commitment is 4 years active and 4 years IRR or 8 years Reserves/NG depending on accessions the year before you graduate. This is not always your choice - needs of the army will prevail.

Undergrad is generally much less expensive than medical school - don't do ROTC, keep your options open. There are many risks participating in ROTC that will interfere with your Med School dream. Do a search. A risk is, 'are you willing to postpone medical school for 4+ years and serve your time as a line officer?' The largest risk however is that ROTC interferes with your UG performance preventing a viable med school application.

Read the stickies and do a search for your questions - many have already been answered. Your ROTC questions would be better answered on Service Academy Forums.
Your AROTC commitment is 4 years active and 4 years IRR or 8 years Reserves/NG depending on accessions the year before you graduate. This is not always your choice - needs of the army will prevail.

Undergrad is generally much less expensive than medical school - don't do ROTC, keep your options open. There are many risks participating in ROTC that will interfere with your Med School dream. Do a search. A risk is, 'are you willing to postpone medical school for 4+ years and serve your time as a line officer?' The largest risk however is that ROTC interferes with your UG performance preventing a viable med school application.

Read the stickies and do a search for your questions - many have already been answered. Your ROTC questions would be better answered on Service Academy Forums.
Here is a great thread on this topic - Army - ROTC- decision help A search on key word ROTC exposed this thread.

there are several people who have done ROTC+HPSP and ROTC + no HPSP. generally speaking the biggest difference is ROTC+HPSP is 8 years active duty post (normal) residency vs 4 years active duty for ROTC only. ROTC only will have more debt (or have to find a way to pay for medschool). most importantly, ROTC gives you one shot to get into medschool-- if you miss that window you are paying off your obligation.

good luck,

--your friendly neighborhood rolled the dice and "won" caveman