Rutgers-Newark PostBac Program?

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May 20, 2004
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I'm thinking about attending Rutgers-Newark next year for their postbac program since it cost about $20,000 less per year than Columbia and University of Vermont.
Has anbody gone to the program or knows something about it?
I could definitely use some feedback before I make my final decision.

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It looks pretty good, but unless I missed something, it looks like you'd be a "non-matriculated student." And that usually means no financial aid. You should definitely ask about that as you make your inquiries.
why dont u come to the post bacc program in new brunswick rutgers?
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I am currently enrolled in the Rutgers Post-Bacc program with superfly!!

I was previously enrolled in the Newark (currently taking chem there) and will be in the NB program in the fall and spring.

There are ways around the non-matric status in order to get aid...I did! :)

pm me or reply and I will send over all my knowledge


i did the rutgers post-bacc program in new brunswick. i recently linked to new jersey med. best part is that i made some great friends in the program and we definitely gave each other much needed support throughout the process. admin is weak/unorganized, use them only as needed. HPO is better resource for advice. just my $.02...other tips: take extended gen physics with brahmia. he's pretty rigid, but a great teacher. :thumbup: good luck to the current post-baccs. :D
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jcg179 said:
I am currently enrolled in the Rutgers Post-Bacc program with superfly!!

I was previously enrolled in the Newark (currently taking chem there) and will be in the NB program in the fall and spring.

There are ways around the non-matric status in order to get aid...I did! :)

pm me or reply and I will send over all my knowledge


What did you think about the Rutgers-Newark program and why'd you switch to New Brunswick ? And if you can please tell how you were able to get around aid I'd appreciate it. thanks
The program in NB is more structured (i.e. early application and certificate option) as well as I feel more comfortable in NB. Seems that there is also a larger support and advising system in the NB program than Newark.

With respect to getting around the financial aid barrier, I just spoke with the admissions office and said that I would like to matriculate. That being said, matriculated students are elgibile for financial aid. All of course being dependent on how many credits from your first degree transfers over. Now, for the most part, you would be eligible for 7500 in gov't loans and thats about it. You can still be a matriculated student and still be in the postbacc program.

superfly or myself can help!


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Do they have an affiliation program? What is the full title of Rutgers bc I couldnt find it on aamc.
i did the rutgers post-bacc program in new brunswick. i recently linked to new jersey med. best part is that i made some great friends in the program and we definitely gave each other much needed support throughout the process. admin is weak/unorganized, use them only as needed. HPO is better resource for advice. just my $.02...other tips: take extended gen physics with brahmia. he's pretty rigid, but a great teacher. :thumbup: good luck to the current post-baccs. :D
Hi is a seat guaranteed if you work hard and score well?