Sad Times

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I am so smart. S-M-R-T :)
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May 17, 2002
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ugh.... my boyfriend's dad has had cancer for the last nine months. In the beginning, he was diagnosed with stage IV melanoma cancer of his abdominal lining. He miraculously responded to chemo and was cancer free as of a month ago. Yesterday, he found out it has come back.... it's not treatable...i've got one devastated family in front of me. I'm so sad for them and even though I know his physicians did their best and he was under the best of care, I'm sooooo sad for them. He's only 55, has a daughter and son in college and a young beautiful wife. Man, daughters shouldn't have to walk down the aisle without their dad by their side, sons shouldn't have to do some of the most important growing up to do without a dad and wives shouldn't lose their husbands this soon. I just thought I'd share this with all of you. We're all going to make a difference in the future and I just wanted to thank all of you who have chosen a path that shells out difficulties and incredible rewards. But just remember, all of this adminstrative bull ----t we have to go through to make a difference in the world will all be worth it. Poor guy.... wish there was something I could do. I guess the best thing is silent support because at this point, words are useless... both spoken and written. Thanks for your ears....


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I am sorry to hear about that...wishing him, his family, and you the best of luck thru trying times...
puts things in perspective..thanks. best wishes
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Sorry about that.
But I know that some pharmaceutical companies have some drugs in clinical trials, combination between chemotherapy and these new drugs can give really surprising results in cancer treatment. I hope he can get in one of these programs.
I am really sorry to hear that.
i want to send out my condolences...

doctors said my mother's cancer could be treatable but the risk of her dying going through treatment was very high due to her poor health.

they only gave her a year...and that was 10 years ago.
i really cant explain it, but i do believe shes living off faith...

shes not better or anything and you feel the tumor against her stomach...but shes still here...i wish she never leaves...

what you say is true tho. parents should be there to see us go through the important times in our lives...
but there comes a time where we have to be there for them through their tough times...

when it all comes down to it. just have some faith. and if it is his time to go then bless everything he has done for his family and his friends...

i wish you and his family...the best of luck and my prayers...
I've posted this before. My mother, a physician, is sick too. It's gotten worse. Her cancer is unrelenting. Hope is minimal. I was going to quit this application cycle, but that's not what she wants for me. She said,"as you know, death is inevitable, for you, me, all of us. My time is defined differently, but that doesn't mean we stop living. It's death that gives meaning to our lives because we are called to live now because tomorrow is unknow. Don't live for me, live for you. Live, love, and be present for every minute you have."
I'm so sorry for both you guys, LP1CW and PreMedAdAG. Your posts really put things in perspective for all of us. I can't imagine what you're going through right now, but I hope neither of you gives up on your dream of becoming a doctor. You have the ability to make something good out of this terrible experience and help people because of what you've been through personally.
My father died when I was 11 years old from a disease that was more than curable. He was too afraid to go to a doctor... I think that's why I want to be a doctor. Anyways, if your friend wants someone to talk to who will be walking down the aisle without a father someday I'd be glad to.

[email protected]
Wow Christine, you gave me goosebumps. Hang in there, this too shall pass.
My most sincere condolences and thoughts go out to you, your boyfriends dad, and his whole family. THANK YOU Christine--its posts like yours that make me step back and look past the stress and fatigue I often feel as an undergrad pre med and see the big picture and importance of what I'm trying to pursue in my life. Sometimes I get so caught up in what I'm doing that I forget about why I want to be a doctor and the true essence of the profession--your post has helped me get back on track. Our ears are always open any time you need to tell us how you're feeling--please keep in touch!
" The Future is no place to place your better days" DMB

And then I see someone else who believes in the same things as me :) I love DMB because his lyrics are so honest. Thanks for all of the support guys. I'll let you know how things are going. Maybe a miracle, maybe not..... and whoever said it was all about the journey, not the destination was THE smartest person who ever stepped foot on this planet. To everyone at any point of this process, enjoy staying up late, enjoy filling out secondaries, enjoy getting your first F on a test, enjoy your "couple of C's"... it's all part of the stronger person you will become. Take care all.
Hey PreMedAdAG, I've been meaning to throw out a post to see how you were doing. I hope that things are going well on your end of the line--its awsome to find another DMB fan on SDN (and no, I'm not in a frat nor do I smoke pot, contrary to popular belief about DMB fans :p )!!! I'm crossing my fingers that "Live at Central Park" will be under the Christmas tree for me this year! :)

Best Wishes
hey.. thanks for checking up. Things are going as best as they can. His dad is obviously still really sick, but on the bright side, he is coming today to see my boyfriend play in his last collegiate football game ever. So, I'm really excited to see him and to see how happy it will make my boyfriend ! :)

Anyway, DMB.. AHHH I totally know what you mean. I've been listening to him since I was 12 and I'm now 22. I can't get enough of him. I haven't been to a concert in a couple of years.. I would absolutely die to see him in Central Park. I've never been there!! Well, check this out.. you're going to think I"m crazy because I know this, but Dave Matthew's wife is a MED STUDENT!!

And just for a moment, I was like, "I COULD HAVE DATED HIM!!" ha ha.. yea right. But I wouldn't mind my husband singing me to sleep every night :love:
I'm also not in a sorority, I also do not smoke weed and I also do not buy all of my clothes at Abercrombie and Fitch. ha ha...