Schools Attended AMCAS Question? They sent me an email?

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5+ Year Member
May 28, 2017
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Hi all,

So I just received an email from AMCAS telling me that they identified an issue that impacted the name of the schools I selected within the Schools Attended section of AMCAS and that it could impact my AMCAS GPA? I'm not quite sure what this means, but I do have a couple of clarifying questions for y'all.

1) What is this referring to? I'm starting a Masters program in about a month so I don't have a transcript (I indicated that a transcript was not required) so this maybe could be the issue but it seems unlikely considering the email was referring directly to the schools attended section?

2) The "if the name of the school is incorrect, correct it here" box is mandatory (has the red asterisk) by it. I'm thinking this is where my issue is. Does the name of the school you enter into that box have to match the name of the school available from the dropdown menu? This is kind of counterintuitive then because what would be the point of correcting the school names if they had to match anyway? And none of the school names I entered needed to be changed (they were both correct) so can I just put "N/A" in that box? Or can I just leave it blank entirely (I don't think so because of the red asterisk?)

Basically, idk what this email means and what my error actually is. Right now I simply copied and pasted the names from the dropdown menu into that "correct school name box" since it was required but maybe I'm not supposed to do that and just write N/A since both my school names are correct. I've attached a screenshot of the email, but if someone could please tell me what to do, I'd be highly appreciative. I'll ask the adcoms since they have this stuff down @LizzyM @Goro @gonnif @gyngyn - thanks a ton!


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It seems to be an accidental email that was sent to either everyone or a large amount of applicants. AMCAS sent this message when others asked:

"The email regarding action required in the schools attended & biographic information sections was sent out to all AMCAS applicants. We recommend logging in and ensuring that the names of your schools entered are correct, and if they are, no further action is required. If the name of a school is incorrect, please edit the school entry and update the name of the institution. We apologize for any confusion, and please let us know if you have any additional inquiries."