Here is my more in-depth analysis using the ADEA's book if you are wondering about the Out of State question.
Notice the PA schools actually are in-state (I live in PA). However, you see PA schools take about 50/50 from IS and OOS. I also didn't do stats for Meharry, Howard, or Loma Linda because they have other preferences based on race and religion. I also didn't calculate for Univ. of Puerto Rico because they fill 95% of their class from Puerto Rico itself.
Of note:
1) OOS UNFRIENDLY, based on the data and discussions on this forum:
Univ. of Texas at Houston (take 100% from in state),
Medical University of South Carolina (90% from in state),
University of Washington (89%),
University of Texas at San Antonio (99% from in state),
Texas A&M Baylor College of Dentistry (90% in state),
UNC Chapel Hill (85% in state),
Stony Brook (93% in state - also insane stats!),
University of Mississippi (100% from in state),
Louisiana State (88% from in state),
University of Illinois (91% from in state)
Southern Illinois University (98% from in state)
Medical College of Georgia (100% from in state)
UF Univ. of Florida: (89% from in state)
UCSF and UCLA: 80% and 86% from in state, respectively
If you are applying to these schools from in state, you will probably get an interview with decent stats. If applying from out of state definetely look into their average stats more carefully to see if it warrants the money. Of course reach schools like Stony Brook and UCLA (downright great schools!) should be included on your app if you really want to go there! This is all relative...if a school takes 15% from out of state and you think you're fit for that upper echelon of students, go for it. You're just going against the grain.
2) Some schools are generous to OOS applicants despite being OOS unfriendly or neutral in selection policy:
Midwestern (AZ): Interviews nearly 23% of OOS applicants
Louisiana State: Although OOS unfriendly, only ~80 people applied and 20 got an interview (not bad!)
Indiana University: ~20% of OOS applicants get an interview (1500+ OOS applicants)
Arizona State DOH: They receive 3000+ OOS applicants, but interview about 12% of them. That is actually not bad if you have good stats.
3) Some states receive lots of OOS applicants and only interview a small percentage:
UCLA: Out of 783, only 28 (4%) got interviews. Look at your stats!
University of the Pacific: Out of 1900+ applicants, only 70 got interviews (4%)
USC: Out of 2037, only 40 got interviews. A whopping 2%. This is probably not your type of candidate pool unless you're in the upper realm of dental applicants. This is by far the worst school to test your chances OOS, in my opinion.
Illinois Schools: SIU had 295 OOS applicants, interviewed ONE (1/3 of a percent) - he or she got an acceptance though! Maybe they were related to the dean... UI interviewed nearly 1500 and took only about 50 (4%). These are clearly OOS unfriendly.
Maryland only _accepted_ 60/2618, which means they interviewed a few more than that (no data). Still a competitive school!
West Virgina/UW: Again, only 4% OOS students interviewed.
Nova Southeastern: Out of 2960 OOS applicants, only 50+ enrolled (less than 2%). There are no data for interviews given. I've heard it's super competitive. The location/novelty might make it worth the application...I also see on this forum they're damn near impossible to get a hold of.
Glean other info as you see fit. Based on simple percentages! Again, all relative. You may be super competitive!
4)*University of Tennessee: They interview about 20% of their OOS applicants (about 400 total)...BUT, for them OOS means from Arkansas or the southern region. Does anyone have compelling reason to disagree? I have heard this school is OOS friendly. I can't agree. Their stats are skewed due to regional, not state per se, preference. Pay attention to other schools like this with REGIONAL preferences. Sometimes the neighboring states' applicants get a first look. The ADEA book will tell you the class breakdown. (This is just one example - needed to bring this statistical caveat to your attentions)
**The newly opening East Carolina University seems to fall under this category. That or will only be taking in-state candidates**
5) So, you're OOS and you've received an interview: Does that still make you likely to get into that school even if you're from out of state?? Some acceptance rates based on OOS applicants:
UCLA: Gave interviews to 28 OOS people, 24 got in. You've pretty much made it! Make a good impression in the interview! This is lots of people's dream school...until you have to pay the bill!
USC: Of the 41 interviewed, 41 were accepted. What I didn't tell you is they had 2000+ applicants. So, their class is ~2% OOS. Risky but worth a try...
University of the Pacific: 70/70 (100%) of OOS people interviewed were given acceptances - so, basically an interview here is an acceptance unless you really screw up. It is worth testing the waters to get into UoP in my opinion...and it's 3 year program as well.
Boston U: Out of 4500 OOS applicants, 372 (8%) are given interviews. Of those 372, 212 were accepted (57%) though! Clearly an interview here is worth your time!
Virginia Commonwealth: Out of 2268 OOS applicants, only 140 (6%) are given interviews. BUT, of those 140, 106 were granted acceptances (75%!!). An interview at VCU is another sure bet for the outstanding dental student who wishes to go there, IMO.
Tufts: 372/4352 (8%) get interviews, but of those 372 given interviews, 297% (80%!) were given acceptance. Tufts also lacks any regional bias IMO. You stand a good chance if given an interview.
ETC ETC: read the rest of the table to see similar stats on this!
6) Schools that are just crappy to OOS students even if you get an interview there:
UNC: OF the 75 interviewed, only 12 accepted. Your chance of an interview and subsequent acceptance there are low, if OOS.
Stony Brook: Only 3/57 OOS interviewed were accepted. That is just terrible in my opinion. What is the point of even interviewing OOS people if you are going to reject the majority??
U Texas At San Antonio: Despite being 99% in state, 11 people still got interviews here from OOS. Only 1 got accepted. Makes you wonder if they're related to anyone on staff. In any case, don't waste your money applying to a school with a bias. Duh.
UCSF: 35/756 applicants (OOS) were accepted here, that's less than 5%. No data on interviews given. So, only ~5% of their class is OOS. Think you can make it? Re-think. (Maybe they are like UCLA and gave almost all their interviewed people acceptances...maybe)
7)Quick look at an in-state school and the benefits of applying in state if you have a dental school in your state:
Temple gave out 113 interviews to those in state, 102 were given acceptances. But, they still had 4,400 applications, which is a lot.
Discuss...someone tell me if the 2010 data continue on these trends, if I am downright wrong, or if you have any personal affiliation with the schools that confirms/questions this analysis. Corrects or corroborations are welcome!