science GPA help - Where does this class belong?

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10+ Year Member
Nov 6, 2009
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Alright, I googled and searched high and low for an answer to my question about calculating my science GPA. :confused:

I'm trying to figure out if Mammalogy counts towards the BCP GPA.

It was a course offered by the Ecology-Evolution-Behavior Department.

The reason I want to know is because the class would otherwise throw my sGPA off by a whole tenth!

Does Mammalogy count towards sGPA?

I'm thinking about taking Pathology (offered through Mortuary Science department) and Pharmacology. I'm thinking that these qill boost my sGPA. Any suggestions if these classes will?

Thanks for any help

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Alright, I googled and searched high and low for an answer to my question about calculating my science GPA. :confused:

I'm trying to figure out if Mammalogy counts towards the BCP GPA.

It was a course offered by the Ecology-Evolution-Behavior Department.

The reason I want to know is because the class would otherwise throw my sGPA off by a whole tenth!

Does Mammalogy count towards sGPA?

I'm thinking about taking Pathology (offered through Mortuary Science department) and Pharmacology. I'm thinking that these qill boost my sGPA. Any suggestions if these classes will?

Thanks for any help

Mammology is def a Biology course, so yes it does count towards your BCP.
Pharmacology is a great class!!:thumbup:
Thanks a million!

I was hoping to hear the opposite, but I gotta take it for what it is! :(
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I would e-mail AADSAS and ask for their 2 cents. I took an exercise physiology and the lab, which I thought they'll be counted as BIOLOGY credits. But nope, they counted as other science courses.
Oh man, that totally sounds like it should have been a BCP class. I'll email them and hopefully get to the bottom of this!
I would e-mail AADSAS and ask for their 2 cents. I took an exercise physiology and the lab, which I thought they'll be counted as BIOLOGY credits. But nope, they counted as other science courses.

No because excercise phys should be considered Kinesiology, not biology for sure.

Mammology is Biology, im sure of it.