Science Minor for Post-Grad Research Position

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Accepted MD
10+ Year Member
Dec 29, 2012
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I know that for med school, the general consensus is that a minor does nothing to help your application. My major is in health and I need one more class for a biology minor. My question is: do you think having the biology minor would help in any way possibly getting a research position as a job for my gap year? Thanks in advance.

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I know that for med school, the general consensus is that a minor does nothing to help your application. My major is in health and I need one more class for a biology minor. My question is: do you think having the biology minor would help in any way possibly getting a research position as a job for my gap year? Thanks in advance.

It's irrelevant. What's relevant is the amount of actual research experience you have under your belt.
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To build off of @ready2go2's correct post, no one is ever going to look at a minor on an individual's resume and base a decision off of that (be it medschool admissions, employment, etc).

Pick up the minor if you want, but don't feel the need to.