Scientology and the "Silent Birth"

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Chronically painful
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Nov 27, 2002
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One thing about celebraties is they can make anything seem weird. I certainly don't advocate this but if it's what they want then who cares? I guess it's only because they're celebraties that anyone does care.,2933,191731,00.html

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docB said:
One thing about celebraties is they can make anything seem weird. I certainly don't advocate this but if it's what they want then who cares? I guess it's only because they're celebraties that anyone does care.,2933,191731,00.html

gosh, cruise should try to keep his own mouth shut. isn't there a scientology rule against acting like you know it all?
So what method of communication will the team use? White boards and marker? Or cell phone text messages?
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:laugh: Tom Cruise = Idiot
David Spade said on The Showbiz Show the other day that she would be allowed to speak, but that certain phrases would be forbidden, like "where's my family?" and "why is the door locked?" :laugh:
Hurricane said:
David Spade said on The Showbiz Show the other day that she would be allowed to speak, but that certain phrases would be forbidden, like "where's my family?" and "why is the door locked?" :laugh:

He backpedaled during an interview last night with Diane Sawyer, "clarifying" that Katie will be allowed to make as much noise as she wants, but everyone else in the birthing room will be as quiet as possible. Probably got scared by all the attention this issue was getting.