Secondary essay topics?

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Jun 9, 2004
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What sorts of essay topics are there for secondaries? I'm writing my primary, and I don't want to use too many ideas that I should be "saving" for my other essays.

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so far....

I've gotten a lot of:Why this medical school out of all of the other ones?

Some other ones were:
-What opportunities will you take advantage of as student as this school?
-What makes you unique? :laugh:
-Name one moral dilemma that you faced and what was the outcome.
-Describe your motivation to become a physician. (Stupid question...thought I answered this in my personal statement...but grr I still have to answer it)
-What do you see as the most significant issue the medical profession will face in the next forty years?
-Based upon your experiences in the health care field, what insights have you gained about potential problems you will face as a physician? (Provide details of your health care experiences without providing actual patient names).
-What personal benefits have you gained from your major extracurricular activity?
-What personal benefits have you gained from your research and/or teaching experience?
-Given the opportunity to share dinner conversation with one person (alive or deceased) who has made a significant contribution to science, medicine, or human service, identify the individual you would select and why?”
