Send Update Letter Now or Wait?

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Jul 27, 2024
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I recently got waitlisted from one of my top schools and i'm still waiting to hear back from another post interview (non rolling). I have what I would consider significant extracurricular updates but given both of these decisions would come a lot later next year is there any benefit to waiting and seeing if I can add potential later updates or should I send it right now. Is there any benefit to having the admissions committee re review my application closer to the decision date or is that irrelevant?

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I think it's important to know what your current updates are and what they would be if you get more.
I think it's important to know what your current updates are and what they would be if you get more.
Yeah, according to the articles shared it seems like it's worth waiting if there's a significant anticipated update. In my case I don't anticipate any additional significant updates so assuming it would be the same letter it seems like there would be no benefit in waiting to send it? The only later update I anticipate is a research presentation in front of faculty and students in a gap year program I'm participating in.
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Yeah, according to the articles shared it seems like it's worth waiting if there's a significant anticipated update. In my case I don't anticipate any additional significant updates so assuming it would be the same letter it seems like there would be no benefit in waiting to send it? The only later update I anticipate is a research presentation in front of faculty and students in a gap year program I'm participating in.
I'd say send it now. You could wait I guess to include that but I significantly doubt that really shifts your outcomes