Should August MCATers apply now?

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15+ Year Member
Mar 24, 2006
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Is it an advantage for someone who is taking the August MCAT to get their applications out now? Once the August MCAT scores are out, will med schools evaluate applications based on the order that they recieved the "early" applications? Thanx.

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Yes, send it out now so that they have it already when your scores come out. If you can find them online or here, fill out their secondaries ahead of time, so that the moment they receive your MCAT score and send you their secondary, you can immediately send the secondary back.
docbyxmas said:
Is it an advantage for someone who is taking the August MCAT to get their applications out now? Once the August MCAT scores are out, will med schools evaluate applications based on the order that they recieved the "early" applications? Thanx.

Yes, they will evaluate it in the order recieved. At this point, your application may not even be completely processed by the time your MCAT scores come out. It takes up to 2 months for them to process just by the application service prior to being sent out, and this is assuming nothing goes wrong and you filled out everything perfectly, which is highly unlikely.
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dr.z said:
You should apply.

I agree...apply ASAP. I applied ED last year to an MD school. I didn't get in ED, so it was October before I applied to GA-PCOM. I was interviewed in late October and accepted in late November. If your app. is good and your MCATs are fairly good, you shouldn't have much trouble. Also, DO schools have deadlines that run into February and March. Most MD schools cut off in November or December. So, you're not at near the disadvantage as you would be if you applied to an MD school. Good luck!