Should I apply to D.O schools? Given my stats...

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10+ Year Member
May 11, 2012
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Hi guys.
Sorry I keep asking you questions lately. Recent research (aka me creeping the forums all the time) has made it increasingly clear that I should consider a D.O degree before heading overseas for medical school.

I don't exactly know what my chances are for a medical school in Ireland, hopefully high. That's my *backup* if I dont get in anywhere in the U.S

Moving along, I have a 3.54sGPA but a 24MCAT (but over the span of two retakes I have achieved bs10, vr9, ps8 just not in one test)... and I have loads of volunteering at hospitals (like everyone), cancer research, genetic research, won awards, studied abroad, and some other stuff.

I did apply to meharry, tulane, rosalind franklin, georgetown, howard, george washington, creighton, SLU, MSU and keck (was rejected like a lot of you guys)... but every time I read the forums I get just a little more discouraged.......

At first I was apprehensive toward a D.O degree... but now I'm wondering if its something I should consider.

I'm Canadian, btw. If anyone has any advice... please let me know.

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With a 24 MCAT you're on the lower end of Canadian DO applicants. I think the international average is about 29 with a standard deviation of 3 points. What you should be considering is retaking.
Strongly concur. And why on earth would you apply to Keck with a 24 MCAT, anyway? BTW, Howard and Meharry are HBCs...didn't you do any research?

With a 24 MCAT you're on the lower end of Canadian DO applicants. I think the international average is about 29 with a standard deviation of 3 points. What you should be considering is retaking.
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Ok, but it is already almost october, so I can't retake... and I have already put everything I have into this cycle. Should I not pursue D.O either?
There's still time to apply DO as the cycle is longer. But with a 24, your chances are limited. My school, for example, would auto-reject you.

user3 posted a list of schools by GPA and MCAT score, so dig it up and apply to those schools whose median is close to your own.

Ok, but it is already almost october, so I can't retake... and I have already put everything I have into this cycle. Should I not pursue D.O either?
Ok, but it is already almost october, so I can't retake... and I have already put everything I have into this cycle. Should I not pursue D.O either?
Sign up for a January re-take. It's your best bet. Otherwise, just hope to get lucky.
There's still time to apply DO as the cycle is longer. But with a 24, your chances are limited. My school, for example, would auto-reject you.

user3 posted a list of schools by GPA and MCAT score, so dig it up and apply to those schools whose median is close to your own.

Where was this posted?
Check user3's post history for starters. If you can't find it PM him and ask. User3 is around a lot so he might see your question and answer you.
Check user3's post history for starters. If you can't find it PM him and ask. User3 is around a lot so he might see your question and answer you.

user3 account is on hold ... Maybe because he/she gives too many upbeat advices. I think that would be unfair if they put his/her account on hold for that reason.
user3 account is on hold ... Maybe because he/she gives too many upbeat advices. I think that would be unfair if they put his/her account on hold for that reason.
You can still PM if your account is on hold, but you're limited to 1 user at a time.
I'm surprised you applied US MD at all since your GPA is weak for an international student.

Look into some of the newer schools (AZCOM and LMU come to mind) who may accept you. I would NOT pursue overseas and I would wait a year if needed to bring the MCAT up.
I'm surprised you applied US MD at all since your GPA is weak for an international student.

Look into some of the newer schools (AZCOM and LMU come to mind) who may accept you. I would NOT pursue overseas and I would wait a year if needed to bring the MCAT up.
AZCOM? Their average is around a 28 for domestic students.