Should i die?

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Feb 2, 2016
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I'm a 27 years old international student living in US. I need serious advise about my future goal to become a doctor. I started college in 2013 and missed two semester because my father passed away. My financial condition went down and i got 3 F, one in Medical terminology and biology 100, biology 182. My college did not advise me properly of what courses i have to take. For all these days i wasted time taking piano, psychology, too many general classes. My current GPA is 2.4. Now i have all the boost and energy to study anything. I can even finish chemistry in one month. I got great mind but just wasted the time. I just want to finish everything quick and become a doctor. My quetion, If i take some pre-medical courses through and some through college, will it effect my application in future? I'm also planning to transfer to suny new york. Please advise me, I know i did grave mistakes and things went so bad but i don't wanna give up. Please positive advise.

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I strongly recommend you see a therapist. The title of this thread makes this sound like a cry for help.

In terms of your goal of being a doctor, you can retake all the classes you did poorly in and apply to DO schools once you've repaired your GPA. I don't think MD schools will be that forgiving.
I strongly recommend you see a therapist. The title of this thread makes this sound like a cry for help.

In terms of your goal of being a doctor, you can retake all the classes you did poorly in and apply to DO schools once you've repaired your GPA. I don't think MD schools will be that forgiving.

I second that I see the cry for help. Go see a therapist. Medicine is a marathon not a sprint. It's more about the journey than the destination.
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Take care of yourself before you delve into the pre-med process. Asking "should I die" indicates to me that you need to get help. As for medical school, start getting good grades...that's all you can do right now. It will be a long road.
Take care of yourself before you delve into the pre-med process. Asking "should I die" indicates to me that you need to get help. As for medical school, start getting good grades...that's all you can do right now. It will be a long road.

I'm sorry about the title. I'm just too sad looking at my grades and want to rebuild them. I always wanted to be a doctor and things going bad. I don't wanna give up.
I agree with everyone else, you need to seek help.
As for your question, no, do not take classes through It is highly preferable to take the pre-reqs at your home institution.
Also, don't blame your college advisors, I highly doubt they failed to mention that medical school has pre-requirements. Take responsibility for your situation.
I'm sorry about the title. I'm just too sad looking at my grades and want to rebuild them. I always wanted to be a doctor and things going bad. I don't wanna give up.
I know. It's a long, arduous, and often unkind process. You just have to take baby steps. Due to recent events in my life, I take any reference to suicide extremely seriously. PM me if you ever need to talk.
I just want to finish everything quick and become a doctor.

This is not how this works. It's a long road for people who do well from the start, and you have some catching up to do. It can be done, but it will take time.

Also, living with the idea that you'll finally be happy as soon as you become a doctor is going to lead to a whole lot of years being miserable.

See a therapist, STAT.
i think you should take your prereqs here if you want to study here. I honestly wouldnt advise any international student to study medicine here. I think it would be easier to study in your home country. Apart from the fact that most schools do not accept international students, you would be the burden of financing your medical education as you dont qualify for FASFA. Some schools here require that you pay the entire tuition (4 years) in an escrow account.
Please stop advising me to see a therapist. I'm good but just feeling down, that's all. You will be same if you're in my situation. I'm only asking what can i do to recorrect the mistakes.
This thread has been reported by several users due to the comments about self-harm. SDN takes such statements seriously and we would like to remind the OP and all posters that SDN should not serve as a place to obtain counseling or other advice regarding significant psychological issues. Anyone who is contemplating harming themselves should immediately seek professional counseling advice, not rely on SDN or other non-professional resources.

One free resource available in the US is the National Suicide Prevention Hotline at 1-800-273-8255. Their website also lists local crisis centers.

At this time, given the nature of the thread and the concerns expressed, the moderation staff of SDN will close this thread.
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