Medical Should I take Credit / No Credit Biochemistry 3 Course?

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Sep 30, 2008
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Hey guys, this quarter has been pretty rough and I think it be best if I take the Credit/no Credit route with my Molecular Biology (Bchem 3) course. Would med schools frown upon this?
Not as much as they would frown on a C :shrug:

It's a problem if it becomes a pattern. An isolated class isn't going to get anyone batting an eye.

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It's not a premed requirement by my university, but it is a requirement for my Biochemistry degree. I wasn't too sure if medical schools care about Biochem 3 too much, but I do understand Biochem 1 is often a premed requirement.
Make sure your school is ok with you taking a P/F. Medical schools are ok with it since you already took your prerequisite biochem course for grade. Just don’t make this a continued thing.
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