Should I wait to submit my primary?

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7+ Year Member
Apr 23, 2015
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As my app currently stands I have solid stats/ECs/clinical experience expect that I don't have any formal shadowing...I have been in the process of arranging some for a while now and it looks like I should be able to do some starting within the next 2-3 weeks.

Should I wait to submit my primary until I have some of this done so I can include it? Or should I just submit my primary June 2nd and include these experiences in my secondaries?

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I think being a bit late is better than not having any shadowing at all. Perhaps apply to 1 single school to get your APP verified, then add the other schools, preferentially before July, after you get some shadowing down. Your APp isn't released to schools until July 1st anyways.
@hoihaie I thought that once I submit my app for verification, even to just one school, I can no longer edit it. Is this not the case?
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It will probably be best to wait until you have some shadowing to show for on your application. Get as much as you can and in the meantime have the rest of the app all ready to go, so that as soon as you get a good number of hours you'll be able to submit.
If you submit in June, you are not late.
Does submitting June 3 vs June 2 have an effect on how fast your secondaries come in?