Skaggs UCSD Early Sub

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New Member
Apr 30, 2022
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Hi everyone,
I go to a private university in CT and so I would be OOS.
Currently I am a rising junior
After shadowing a few physicians I realized that becoming a doctor was not for me. I have debated for the last two months about other careers in healthcare and I believe pharmacy is the best fit. If I did become a pharmacist I would love to specialize in oncology or geriatrics. Would someone be able to tell me the likelihood of me getting into Skaggs UCSD early sub or not early sub based on my stats? thank you. I would hope to apply either next cycle or the cycle after (if recommended I take a gap year)
cgpa: 3.94
sgpa: 3.90
Activities: leadership roles in two non-pharmacy clubs: one science club and one cultural club (100 hrs each)
Volunteering: nursing home transport and summer camp counselor
Clinical exp: 500 hrs as a ED tech and 80 so far as pharm tech in hosp
Shadowing: 30 with M.D, none with Pharm but hope to get around 50
if you have any advice pls let me know

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