sketchy/malignant programs?

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5+ Year Member
Jun 16, 2018
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Call me a skeptic, but I am wondering if anyone would be willing to comment on OB programs with a history of shady behavior (namely terminating or abusing residents.) I understand that this is nearly always hearsay, but unfortunately in this system, we must assume to worst when we hear these stories. I will start by sharing what little I have heard:

-UC Davis: Apparently made one of their PGY-2's disappear this year- sure enough, that class is one resident smaller than those surrounding it.

-University of MD: dug up from an old SDN thread, apparently had terminated a resident around 2015.


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Call me a skeptic, but I am wondering if anyone would be willing to comment on OB programs with a history of shady behavior (namely terminating or abusing residents.) I understand that this is nearly always hearsay, but unfortunately in this system, we must assume to worst when we hear these stories. I will start by sharing what little I have heard:

-UC Davis: Apparently made one of their PGY-2's disappear this year- sure enough, that class is one resident smaller than those surrounding it.

-University of MD: dug up from an old SDN thread, apparently had terminated a resident around 2015.


There is an inherent attrition rate in any OB GYN residency.

This does not necessarily mean the program is at fault. Some people are not able to practice safely and they should not continue in residency. It is unfortunate but the truth.

You will eventually see first hand some people are not able to be effective OB GYNs. Same goes for other specialties.

I am out in practice and there are at least 1 or 2 idiots practicing who do more harm than good. Probably should have never graduated residency to begin with.
As true as that may be, I am switching from an extremely malignant program in a different specialty where we all carry our resignation letters in our back pocket like a cyanide pill, due to how clear they make it that they can and will make anyone disappear who crosses them. We also have people people getting held back and/or quitting left and right, which makes the call schedule a real picnic. You know what they say about being once bitten...