Sleep Medicine Fellowship Preparation

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10+ Year Member
Mar 15, 2012
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Hey everyone,

I am so excited to start my Sleep Medicine Fellowship and wanted to start asking advice! I really want to start self studying and preparing myself early on as I'm a family medicine resident and feel as thought I'm already behind. Does anyone have resources that are great to help prepare you with fellowship or that you used during fellowship/Sleep Medicine boards that you would recommend to others?
It would be awesome to hear any advice and resources people who have gone through a Sleep Medicine fellowship would have to offer!
I so appreciate it!!!

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If you really, really want to self-study you can get a lot of utility for both practice and boards out of the AASM practice guidelines which are freely available on their website: American Academy of Sleep Medicine Guidelines | AASM

Positive Airway Pressure for OSA (all, high yield for boards)
Treatment of Central Sleep Apnea Syndromes (all, probably high yield for boards)
Medical Therapy of OSA (all, it's short)
Oral Appliance Therapy for the Treatment of OSA and Snoring (Summary mainly)

Evaluation and Management of Chronic Insomnia (the entire thing is worth reading, both for practice and for boards)
Pharmacologic Treatment of Chronic Insomnia (clinical practice recommendations, you will likely use most everything in table 4/5 eventually)
Behavioral and Psychological Treatment of Insomnia (recommendations)

Use of MSLT and MWT (worth reading the entire thing, both for clinical practice and boards)
Treatment of Narcolepsy and Hypersomnias of Central Origin (whole thing probably useful, it's pretty short, you're not likely to get past 3.c in terms of what's actually given out)
Treatment of REM Sleep Behavior Disorder (clonzepam, melatonin, maybe prazosin although it's not listed)
Treatment of Nightmare Disorder (position statement portion only)

Evaluation and Treatment of Extrensic CRSWDs (this is high yield for the boards, less so for your daily practice because these people aren't all that common)
Use of Actigraphy in the Evaluation of Sleep and CRSW Disorders (unless your center uses actigraphs the most likely thing is your patient will show you what their activity tracker is showing, you will however with 99.99% certainty see a double plotted actigraph on your boards so you should understand what the different patterns reflect)

If you haven't had enough, get a copy of the latest AASM scoring manual and focus on the visual and respiratory rules. The more of the manual that you commit to memory, the less anxiety it will provoke for boards and the more "easy" questions you can subsequently pick up.
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