Slightly freaking out...

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Jun 21, 2015
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So I took the MCAT in June 2015 and got a 496 and still applied to schools anyway (I'm only interested in DO). I only had 1 interview, at PCOM, but was rejected after. I decided to take a year off and study again and retake the MCAT. I'm scheduled to take it this January 28th, and I've been following a study schedule for 6 months religiously. I just took my first Kaplan practice exam, and got a 497 (last year it was a 491). I am freaking out. I've been studying diligently for 6 months, and I thought I would have improved more. I keep seeing posts of people getting in the 515-520s and I just want to know HOW. I don't know anything else I can do...I'm scared the last 6 months were for nothing, and on test day I'm going to score in the low 500's (maybe). Can anyone offer some advice for the last month of studying I have left?? I don't have the time or the money really to retake the MCAT, so I need this to be the last time I take this exam.

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Don't take Kaplan tests serious. People do much better or much worse than their Kaplan score, it is not representative and should only be used for stamina and pacing (and maybe content weakness, but if Kaplan FLs is like TPR FLs, the questions probably require vastly more in-depth content knowledge compared to AAMC).

People that score high will tend to post about it more because they are more excited vs. people are less likely to post if they are scoring low. 515 is 93rd percentile, that means roughly 7% of test takers get that score or higher.

There's also free diagnostic and FL from NextStep if you need more materials but don't have the funds.

I probably am not someone that can really help you (I haven't taken the new MCAT and I probably won't be a 515+ scorer), but maybe to help other's help you (or to help you analyze your own test taking habits):
  • Are you able to answer every question in a timely manner (you read every passage at least once and read every question with full attention at least once)?
  • Are you mostly focused when taking the tests (practice or real) and not having any sort of anxiety attack or constant distraction?
  • Are you getting questions in the science sections wrong because you didn't know the content, misread/misunderstood the question, or missed something in the passage (not sure if the last one will really apply to Kaplan tests)?
  • Do you feel like you understand the content you've been reviewing for 6 months? Like could you have conversation about how pressure, fluid dynamics and hormone chemistry of the blood are interrelated and how changes in one effects the others?
Don't take Kaplan tests serious. People do much better or much worse than their Kaplan score, it is not representative and should only be used for stamina and pacing (and maybe content weakness, but if Kaplan FLs is like TPR FLs, the questions probably require vastly more in-depth content knowledge compared to AAMC).

People that score high will tend to post about it more because they are more excited vs. people are less likely to post if they are scoring low. 515 is 93rd percentile, that means roughly 7% of test takers get that score or higher.

There's also free diagnostic and FL from NextStep if you need more materials but don't have the funds.

I probably am not someone that can really help you (I haven't taken the new MCAT and I probably won't be a 515+ scorer), but maybe to help other's help you (or to help you analyze your own test taking habits):
  • Are you able to answer every question in a timely manner (you read every passage at least once and read every question with full attention at least once)?
  • Are you mostly focused when taking the tests (practice or real) and not having any sort of anxiety attack or constant distraction?
  • Are you getting questions in the science sections wrong because you didn't know the content, misread/misunderstood the question, or missed something in the passage (not sure if the last one will really apply to Kaplan tests)?
  • Do you feel like you understand the content you've been reviewing for 6 months? Like could you have conversation about how pressure, fluid dynamics and hormone chemistry of the blood are interrelated and how changes in one effects the others?
So today my scores were 122/125/125/125 (chem & phy are my worst) I was able to read all the passages and question thoroughly in the time allotted, except for chem/phys. I could see the time running out and I still had a bunch more questions, so I definitely rushed at the end of that section. Today was the first practice test I took for my upcoming test, and I wasnt distracted during the questions (I did stop and talk to my family during the 30 min break half way thru). I think for the questions I'm getting wrong it's a combination of misunderstanding the questions (I hate the way Kaplan words things) and not understanding some content (chem/phys). I do feel like I understand the content I've been reviewing for the past 6 months, I just really struggle with the one section. I'm going to really focus on working on passage questions for that section this month, but I'm nervous I don't have enough time to get my score up by the 28th. I'm shooting for a 505 and I would be happy I think (that's a 9 point increase from last year)
Hey man, Kaplan diagnostic scores are not that accurate in my opinion. I had self studied for months before taking the diagnostic and scored a 496. A few months of more studying and practice, got a 509 on real thing (which equates to ~30 on old test). This was way higher than any Kaplan practice test I took. I personally understand how frustrated and nervous you might feel, but just know that your final mcat score in the long run WILL reflect your studying. Don't lose hope. You got this!
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So today my scores were 122/125/125/125 (chem & phy are my worst) I was able to read all the passages and question thoroughly in the time allotted, except for chem/phys. I could see the time running out and I still had a bunch more questions, so I definitely rushed at the end of that section. Today was the first practice test I took for my upcoming test, and I wasnt distracted during the questions (I did stop and talk to my family during the 30 min break half way thru). I think for the questions I'm getting wrong it's a combination of misunderstanding the questions (I hate the way Kaplan words things) and not understanding some content (chem/phys). I do feel like I understand the content I've been reviewing for the past 6 months, I just really struggle with the one section. I'm going to really focus on working on passage questions for that section this month, but I'm nervous I don't have enough time to get my score up by the 28th. I'm shooting for a 505 and I would be happy I think (that's a 9 point increase from last year)

I think you sound like you're on the right track and your low score might just be because of Kaplan FL style. I think getting more practice is what you should do with your last month (try for 3 or 4 new MCAT style exams if you can). For the C/P section you'll want to get a feel for when you are spending too much time on a passage or question.

If you can't get any AAMC material right now, Here's a link to old MCAT exams (the link is down for now, and hopefully will go back up soon):

If you can, get some of the new MCAT AAMC materials (especially the full lengths), and definitely look into the free NextStep material.

I haven't heard anything about the questions and passages Khan Academy has for C/P, but you might want to give them a try for anything you feel could use some tuning.

Sorry I'm not able to give much more advice than the basic "get more practice" line. You might want to ask in the January test thread for more advice since those types of threads get the most traffic on the main MCAT forum.
Haven't read through all the comments nor have I taken the exam yet, but maybe I can offer something slightly helpful or new.

Have you tried approaching the questions differently? Are you reading for a correct answer or using more deductive reasoning skills?

Have you done much practice vs review?

Have you tried different companies' practice tests or question banks?

Have you tried to reduce your stress and anxiety before taking an exam (if you know of any ways that work for you, that is)?

You can do this. You will be a doctor.
I think you're on track for a 505! After changing their scale in the summer, it's a rough +5/6 to adjust for that deflation.
Kaplan FL's are great for early studying bc they focus so much on rote content but, closer to your date, I hear the better indicators are Examkrackers, Next Step, and (most importantly) the AAMC material. K can tease out weaknesses and it's worth it to review your FL's carefully but don't take the numbers to heart and focus on grinding at your weak spots.
I want to add too that they are dank on experimental passages so, if you find this to be a weakness of yours, maybe pick up the EK 30m exams in the back of their books.

Disclaimer: haven't taken MCAT yet, never scored higher than a 498 on Kaplan. 77% AAMC OG. 68% AAMC unscored. 63% EK 4.